CCR1979189RESOLUTION #189-79 (As Amended) (Salary Accounts) AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS. Section 65.06 (6) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes permits ~~ ~~ ~ the budgetary adjustments listed below by the Common Council, ., .. and \VHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that $S0,588.00 be transferred from Account #58300-3212, Contingency Fund, to the following .- accounts' 00-50200-1100 - 00-50300-1100 00-50400-1100 00-50500-2100 00-50500-2400 00-50800-1110 00-52500-1100 Bldg. Insp. - Salaries 00-52800-1110 00-57100-1100 City Clerk-Sal. h \?ages $4,250 00 City Treas - Sal. & Wages 500.00 City Assessor-Sal. h Wages 1,598.00 City Attorney - Prof. fees 4,000 00 Other Attorneys - Fees 4,200 00 Mun. Ct. - Sal & Wages - Other 3,000.00 3,000 00 Sal. h Wages - Plan Corn. - Other 700 00 00-57200-1100 Sal. h Wages - Library 25,840.00 Sal. & Wages - Park h Rec. 3,500 00 Recreation Supplies & Expenses THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby direct the City Clerk-Comptroller to make the following adjustments within the 1979 City Budget. 00-57200-3213 Total 800.00 WT,388 00 00-50200-1100 - City Clerk-Sal. h \?ages $4,250 00 00-50300-1100 City Treas - Sal. h Wages 500 00 00-50400-11OO City Assessor-Sal. & Wages 1,598 00 00-50500-2100 City Attorney - Prof. fees 4,000 00 00-50500-2400 Other Attorneys - Fees 4,200 00 00-50800-1110 Mun. Ct. - Sal. & Wages - Other 3,000 00 00-52500-1100 Bldg. Insp. - Salaries 3,000 00 00-57100-1100 Sal. 6 \.!ages - Library 25,840 00 00-57200-1100 Sal. & Wages - Park 6 Rec. 3,500 00 00-52800-1110 , Sal. h Wages - Plan Corn. - Other 700 00 00 - 57200-3213 Recreation Supplies & Expenses 800.00 P Total . . .. - $ 51,388.00 ' DATED THIS 4 DAY OF ok/ , 1979. '. FINANCE COYhlITTEE P"uA Ald. Ronald J. Ford ATTEST : City Clerk 10179 jh RESOLUTION #189-79 AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS (Salary Accounts) / i WHEREAS, Section 65.06 (6) (b) of the the budgetary adjustments listed below and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has be transferred from Account foZJowing accounts: . 00-50200-1100 - 00-50300-1100 $4.250.00 00-50400-1100 City 00-50500-2100 1,598.00 00-50500-2400 City Attorney - Prof.,fees 4,000.00 Other Attorneys - 00-50800-1110 Mun. Ct. - Sal. & Ezgs - Other 4.200.00 3,000 00 00-52500-1100 Bldg. Insp. - Salaries 00-52800-1110 3.000 00 Sal. & Wages - Plak Corn. - Other 700 00 00-57100-1100 25,840 00 6: Rec. 3,500.00 City Treas 500 00 / "@ 00-57200-1100 Total $50,588 00 THEREFORE, BE IT Council of the City of Muskego, upon Finance Committee, does hereby to make the following 00-50200-1100 - $4,250 00 00-50300-1100 500 00 OO-50400-11OO 1,598 00 00-50500-2100 4,000 00 00-50500-24OO 4,200 00 00-50800-1110 3,000.00 00-52500-1100 3,000 00 OO-57100-11OO 25,840 00 00-57200-1100 3,500 00 00-52800-1110 700 00 Tnt.21 . ssn SRX nn a DATED THIS DAY OF , 1979 Ald. Ronald 3. Ford I ATTEST : I City Clerk 10179 jh