CCR1979168. - .' . RESOLUTION #168-79 City of Muskego e RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE LOCATION OF MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISONS IN THE MILWAUKEE METROPOLITAN AREA ""___"_"_""""""""""""""""""""""""""" WHEREAS, the Milwaukee County House of Correction grounds, located in the City of Franklin, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, is one of several proposed sites for minimum and maximum security prisons to be operated by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, and WHEREAS, the proposed location is within the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area, which is rapidly developing and will become a highly urbanized area in the very near future, and WHEREAS, the location of a prison or prisons in highly urbanized areas will have a detrimental effect to the entire area and will disco;;;-age its orderly development, and WHEREAS, there is always a threat to the health and welfare of the residents of urban areas in which such prisons would be located from escapees, prison riots, etc., and WEREAS, escapees from prisons in urban areas can readily disappear into the community, but rural areas would be more suitable for early apprehension. and . WHEREAS, the tax burden for local taxpayers would be directly and indirectly increased for added protection services and road maintenance services because of the increased travel and the probable extension of bus service to the facility, and WHEREAS, the prisons would attract a greater numb'er of the undesirable criminal element into the area, and WHEREAS, the adjoining communities to the City or Franklin by means of the mutual assistance pacts would be indirectly affected by the additional police and fire protection that would be required in the City of Franklin, and WHEREAS, the property values Tor residences in and around the area of the prisons would depreciate, and it would also affect the values or residences in the adjoining communities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Musk6E.o that they are opposed to the proposed location of two additional prisons on the Milwaukee County House of Correction grounds for the reasons stated above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk forward copies of this resolution to the XVisconsin Department of Administration and to the County Board of Supervisors. Introduced at a regular meeting of the Common Council this 28th day of . 1979. Passed and adopted by Common Council this 28th day of A,,?,,~+ . 1979. ATTEST :