CCR1979137RESOLUTION /)137-79 (AS AMENDED) AMENDMENTS TO THE 1979 PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL BUDGET 4 WEREAS, on the 5th day of December, 1978, the Common Council adopted Resolution $/236-78 which provided for the Capital Budget Program for 1979, and hWEREAS, part of the Parks & Recreation budget was predicated upon 50% LAWCON funding, and WHEREAS, LAWCON funds were not available far many of the planned projects and therefore a realignment of capital spending for the Parks & Recreation Department is necessary, and WHEREAS, the Parks & Recreation Board has recommended that certain and changes in the 1979 Parks & Recreation Capital Budget be amended, WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has also recommended approval, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation Board and the Finance Committee, does hereby amend the Capital Budget Program for the Parks & Recreation Department HORN PARK IDLE- ISLE PARK Ball Nix $250 00 Sod for Infield 500.00 Drainage system $ 300 00 Color Coat & Sealer 1,089 00 Drainage 1,000 00 Landsczpe Rental of Cutter/ 250 00 Black top area 100 00 Total P SCHI4iDT PARK Landscaping Beach Sand $ 2,000 00 Tor21 3,020 00 1,000 00 400 00 Tot a1 2,889 00 lzndscaping T'21:k Benches Ea11 l,jix Door on Toilet Facility Total $ 700 00 700 00 225 00 200 00 $1,825.00 Conrrrzccea Services $ 736 00 City E211 Are2 (Floxers, etc ) 375 00 $ 1,111.00 , 1979. GRAND TOTAL $10,845.00 '* DATED THIS 2 L DAY OF ATTEST RESOLUTION $1137-79 AMENDMENTS TO THE 1979 PARKS & RECREATION CAPITAL BUDGET 4 WHEREAS, on the 5th day of December, 1978, the CoLon Council adopted Resolution $1236-78 which provided for th'e Capital Budget Program for 1979, and /' WHEREAS, part of the Parks & Recreation budge't was predicated upon 50% LAWCON funding, and WHEREAS, LAWCON funds were not available !or many of the planned projects and therefore a realignment of /capital spending for the Parks & Recreation Department is necessary, and WHEREAS, the Parks & Recreation Board/has recommended that certain changes in the 1979 Parks & Recreation Capital Budget be amended, and j /: ; / WHEREAS, the Finance Committee hasjalso recommended approval, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t,de Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommenda/t:ion of the Parks & Recreation Board and the Finance Committee, does hereby amend the Capital Budget Program for the Parks d Recreation Department: / /! HORN PARK IDLE ISLE PARK Ball Mix Sod for Infield 500.00 Drainage system $ 300.00 Color Coat & Sealer 1,089.00 Drainage 1 ,,ooo .oo Landscape Rental of Cutter/ /250 .OO Black top area 100.00 Landscaping 400.00 Beach Sand 1,000.00 / $250 .oo / / Total ,$ 2,000.00 Total 2,889.00 SCHMIDT PARK KURTH PARK $ 2,500.00 Landscaping 520.00 $ 700.00 Park Benches Ball Mix 225.00 700.00 Tot alj 3,020.00 Door on Toilet Facility Open shelter 200.00 12,350.00 Total 14,175.00 Contracted Services $ 736.00 City Hall Area (Flowers, etc.) 375.00 / i $ 1,111.00 .a / GRAND TOTAL $23,195.00 DATED THIS 2 L DAY OF 1979. ATTEST : City Clerk