CCR1979119FESC:LUTION 11119-79 AUTHCRIZING JERRY MAUS TO PLACE WATEk SKI SULOP! COURSE ON LITTLE MUSKEGO LAKE WHEREAS, the Finance Committee hEs received a request from Mr. .Iero.me Maus, S74 W19036 Bay Ct. for permission to install a water ski course on Little Muskegc Lake eEst of George's Island, and WHEREAS, a similar slalom course was used in 1978 with no problems, and WHEREAS, the Financc Cornittee has recommended the Common Council grant the request, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thet the C'ommon Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finence Committee, does hereby grant to Mr. Jerome Maus permission to install a water ski slalom course on Little Muskego Lake for the following dates: b 0 0 b b e B I June 13, 14 and 15th Week of June 18-22 Week of June 25-29 DATEG THIS /Ti DAY OF OC&,+,J~ , 19 79. FINANCE COMMITTEE WdZ Ald. Rc.nald J. For ATTEST : " _" - City Clerk