CCR1979102- - .l - e e e RESOLUTION #102-79 ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS FOR CULVERT INSTALLATIONS WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego directed the City Clerk re-advertise for bids for the installation of driveway culverts, WHEREAS, the companies of Brookfield Culvert Company and Wraalstad Construction Company submitted bids in accordance to specifications set-forth, WHEREAS, upon review of the bids received, the Public Works Cormnittee recommends the bid of Brookfield Culvert Company be accepted to install all culverts for private drives within the City of Muskego for a one year period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the necessary document in the name of the City. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ATTEST: City Clerk I CLTLVERT I ;TALLATION To the City oE h'uskcgo hbskeyo -. Lliscnusin nlc undcroiG1lcd. \loving becooe fmilinr vFth the local conditiono nffCCtfng thc cost of cho work nnd with tSe Contrac: Docurx?nto, including ndvertineocnt for Uid3, Ilu?tluctio113 to Diddzrn, Genfrnl Condiciom of the Contract. spCCiD1 C0~1diti0113 of the Cuncrnce, the Porn .of Propooal. the Porn of ConKrncC, Form Of Bond, ctc., nnd Specificntions nnd Addcndn and IXlibIto isoued nnd ottnchcd Co tllc Concrnct Docuwilt on tile in the Office of the City Clerk ' of Muskego I.IFccomln, hcrely ~KO~OU~ to perform evoryLhing rcquircd to bc pcrfoza-d ond to provide nnd fur\Iioh dl of tile 1n'Jor. matcrinlg. ncccconly toolo. expcndablc cqufpmnc nnJ nll utility nnd tromportotion scrviceo ncccconq to perform end coq3lcCe in u vorkmnlilrc mnnner all of the vork required for and tlw work cnclow for the EUCU set forth in eho followiq Giddip? Schedule: : 0. dacritucd in thc EollorrinB Didding Schedule. dl in nccordnncc'uith the SpCcifi- e Luop SEI cost PCK root C03t for minimum for Length in Lengths hccoo of EUnima