CCR1978245RESOLUTION #245-78 APPROVING PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR MARTIN DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, the Common Council has previously approved of have authorized the Public Works Cormnittee to have plans the plans to reconstruct a portion of Martin Drive and needed, and and specifications drafted and appraisals made where WHEREAS, the reconstruction of Martin Drive is a Federal- Aid Improvement Project under the Safer Off-System being paid for by the federal government, and Program and therefore is eligible for 75% of the cost WHEREAS. it is necessary that the Mayor be authorized to e execute'the project agreement forms ,- THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Citv of Muskezo does hereby authorize Mayor Jerome J. Gottfried to execute the project document for the programing and construction of a Federal-Aid Highway Improvement project (Martin Drive). L- ) I PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Ald. Paul 3. Schamberg Ald& i<omczyk// &-A A AldT Edwin' P. Duinke ATTEST : City Clerk . PROJECT AGREEMENT for the Programming and Construction of a FEDERAL - AID HIGHWAY MPROVEMENT PROJECT The signatory City,village. town or county, hereinafter called the Municipality, through its undersigned duly authorized officers or officials, hereby requests the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation.wiiJmereinafter called the State, to initiate Proceedings and engineering development and to effect the construction of the highway or street im- provement hereinafter described. .~ This request for the programming and construction of a highway improvement. upon acceptance by the e shall constitute an Agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Municipality, and unless specifically modified or amended by supplemental written agreement between the State and the Municipality is subject to all of the following terms and conditions. ment which are in excess of Federal-aid funds, if any. received by the State and applied to the project. 1. The Municipality will contribute and pay to the State all costs incurred by the State in connection with the proposed improve- 2. The work enumerated shall be proposed by the State to the Federal Highway Administration. If approved, the work will'be undertaken by the State as a Federallaid project in accordance with all applicable State and Federal laws and'regulations. that will be appiled to the project to the extent that they are recoverable from the apportionment of Federal-aid to the State, and 3. The total amount of estlmated Federal fundsas set forth herein will be considered to be the maximum amount of Federal-aid will be chargeable to the State's allocation of such Federal aid to the Municipality. 4. Such additional work as is necessary to ensure a complete improvement acceptable to the Division'of Highways and the Federal Highway Admlnistratlon will be undertaken independently by the Municipality without cost to the State and without Federal par- tlcipation. Such work isgenerally delineated herein. 5. The performance 01 surveys. plans, preconstruction engineering and right of way acquisition is the responsibility of the Munici- pality. 6. The District Office of the Division of Highways will cooperate with and advise the Municipality during the survey and plan devel. 7. It is understood that, upon completion of the plans and prior to the execution of a contract for the work. the project will be sub- ject to further agreement between the Municipality and the State with respect to details of design, approval of plans, and certain re- quirements to gtisfy provisions of the Federal- Aid Highway Act and the regulations issued pursuant thereto. 8. .Subsequent to the recelpt of bids but prior to the execution of a contract, the Municipality will deposit with the Division of High. ways the funds estimated by the Division as necessary to defray all costs incident to the project which are not recoverable from Fed. era1 fundsallocated to the project. Any balance remaining of such deposit will be returned to the Municipality upon final audit. Should the Municipality decline to make such a deposit, it is Understood that no contract will be entered into for the execution of of Highways. the work and that the further disposition of the project will be the subject of negotiation between the Municipality and the Division 9. In such event. or if the Municipality should withdraw the project for other reasons, it will'at that time reimburse the Division Of Highways for any costs incurred by it in behalf of the project. 0 pment and right of way acquisition phasesof the project. 10. The Municipality agrees that - a) It w111 maintain, at its own cost,and expense, all portions of the project that lie within its jurisdiction in a manner satisfactory to the State or the Federal Highway Administration or both, or their authorized representatives, and will make ample Provision for such maintenance each year. b) All signs and traffic control devices and other protective structures erected on or in connection with the project. including such of these as are installed at the sole cost and expense of the Municipality or by others. will be in conformity with such manual of uniform traffic control devices as may be adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi- cials. approved by the State, and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration. c) The right of way available or provided for the project will be held and maintained inviolate for public highway or street Pur- poses. Those signs prohibited under Federal aid highway regulations, posters, billboards, roadside stands, or other Private in- stallation prohibited by Federal or State highway regulations will not be permitted within the right of way limits Of the Project. The Munlclpaltty. wlthln Itslurlsdlctlonal limits, will removeor cause to be removed from the right of way of the Project all prwate installations of whatever natwe which may be or cause an obstruction or interfere with the free flow of traffic, Of which may be or cause a hazard to traffic, or which may impair the usefulness of the project and all other encroachments which may be required to be removed by the State at its own election or at the request of the Federal Highway Administrator. and that no such private installations will be permitted to be erected or maintained in the future. ment to the press and such outlets as would generally alert the affected property owners and the community of the nature. ex- tent, and timing of the project and arrangements for handling traffic within and around the Projects. projects funded under the Federal Aid Highway Safety Acts, . , . . . . . . . . . . . d) It will assume general responsibility for all public information and public relations for the project and to make fitting announce. e) It will keep records to demonstrate the effectiveness of the improvement by assessment of cost and the.benefits derived from f) I1 will comply with all applicable provisions of the Wisconsin Action Plan. g) When the acquisition of right of way is to be financed either in whole or in part with Federal funds, such purchases or aCqUiSi- lions will comply with the provisionsof Titles I1 and 111 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act.of~1970 (42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.) as may be amended from time to time, and the requirements set forth in Section -: - " . . . as may be amended from time to time. or the requirements as set forth in Section 11 of the State's Minimum Righ of Way 11 of the State's Minimum Right of Way Requirements for Federal Aid Urban Systems & TOPICS Project of Jan" y 1974 Requirements for Federal Aid Seccndary Projects of July 1973 as may be amended from time to time. h) When the acquisition of right of way is to be financed by the Municipallty or other utility or facility owner. such purchases or acquisitions will comply with the provisions of Titles 11 and 111 of the Unlform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 4970 (42 U.S.C. 4601 et req.) as may be amended from time to time, Tltle VI Of the Civil Rights Ad of 1964, and the requirements as set forth in Section I of the State's Minimum Right of Way Requirements for Federal forth in Section 1 of the State's Minimum Right of Way Requirements for Federal Aid Secondary Projects of July 1973 as Aid Urban system & TOPICS Projects of January 1974 as may be amended from time to time, or the requirements as set may be amended from time to time. t d MunlclpalitY clty of -L.c grd .hoaldon. zh. brixntal .ab wtlul moit. .L. ..ry .aLcb mC8in"&nim6tbLb. HI hwdy 1 Ltlnm.. Length Q.117 U IC""'b%" EXISI~~ F~CIIIIY . D~YIID~) ana we reason for rewest tb. ai.- him i. 22'44' rU. b1uld.o- ourfut.'witb Ut& or w propod lmprovamont -Nature of work &fwtm~~~.sa~portriurihich~~.lilrigof~Oa 'zh. DQ mm dll~0ri.C of a Z&"t rLh bl- vt rritb par tnnu 8toppin8 maht din-. FEDERAL PROGRAM DESIGNATION mu Of" FEDERALFUNDS LOCAL FUNDS TOTAL Preconstructlon Engineering Right of Way Construction i Other \ TOTAL S70,oOO 83o,w#, $100,0oa Date Local Funds will be available Bpoa m-t This request is made by the undersigned under proper authority to make such request for the above designated Municipality as evidenced by attached resolution, and which upon acceptance by the the Municipdty and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. shall constitute agreement between TITLE DATE , I