CCR1978236e ! I I m 8 i RESOLUTION 8236-78 APPROVAL OF 1979 CITY OF MUSKEG0 CAPITAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Muskego's Capital Budget Committee has presented to the Common Council the recommended budget for 1979 in the amount of $521,041.00, and WHEREAS, the necessary public hearing has been held, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Budgeting Comnittee, does hereby approve of the attached City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Capital capital budget for the year 1979 in the amount of $521,041.00. ATTEST : City Clerk 12/ 78 je Ald. Paul J . Schaumberg Ald. Ronald J , Ford CITY OF MUSKEGO PROPOSED 1979 CAPITAL BUDGET '* POLICE DEPARTMENT Camera Tape Deck Addition TV Camera Addition Mobile Units (3) Walkie-Tzlkies (6) Kulti-Charge Unit Satellite Receive.rs (3) Lab Rcom Equipment IBM Electric Typewriters (2) Bureau of Identification Total LIBRARY Dehumidifier Laminating Machine IBM Selectric Typewriter IBM Model D Typewriter Typewrifer Stand 3 Cassette Players Cassette PlayerfRecorder Filmstrip Projector Small screen 2 Filing cabinets Space saver desk 1' 500.00 6,800.00 1,040.00 6,600.00 1:000.00 i:2oo.oo 2,000 .oo 1;350.00 800.00 31.490.00 ' $ 275.00 400.00. 780.00 680.00 110.00 170.00 100.00 135.00 75.00 225.00 140.00 Tot a1 $ 3,090 00 BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTPENT - One File Cabinet Cork Tiles 65.00 One Desk Chair 200.00 Drainage Study 6,000.00 $ 150.00 Total $ 6,415.00 4 pP.RKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT A one ton stake bed truck (replaces jeep) Picnic tables (25 @ $20.00 each) Outdoor grills (6 @ $41.00 each) Heavy duty eqcipment trailer One Portable welderfgenerator Safety st.orage cabinet Snow fence (15 50' rolls @ $20.00 ea.) ~ ~~ Snow plow wflight Air compressor (gasoline engine) Bleacher section Typewriter 9,500.00 "-- 500 .OOr"y 246.00, /- 2,886.00 - 435 .OG--" 300 .OO + 380.00 - 700.00 - 1,500.00 %+-I.: " 1.700.00- 2,500.00 - 20,647 00 I e * * Capital budget - 1979 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT (Cont'd.) DEPARTMENT PROJECTS *Horn Park drainage and landscape ($7,000 .OO) $3,500.00 -7- *Bluhm Park Baseball Complex, *Xdle Isle Park landscaping ($2,000.00) *Schmidt Park landscaping and parking *Kurth Park landscaping and building *Park Master Plan up-date ($5,000.00) Completion and sealcoating of Mill Valley Building repair work at Horn and Jensen Phase Two ($80.328) area ($18,800.00) addition ($27.390.00) Ball Diamond Complex parking Area #2 Sub-total "Denotes LAWCON Projects Total TREASURER'S OFFICE Rennovation Total CITY FALL One Desk with Side Panel Typewriter Stand for Recpt. Desk Fostane Scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Total Scorn Drainage Equipxent: Patrol truck, plow & Asphalting h sealcoating l.:ajor road icpro\pEments (Hartin Dr.) Fencing around storage yard sznder (replacement) Total FIRE DEPARTMENTS Eiuskego Volunteer Fire Co. Radio Replacement Tess Comers Volunteer Fire Dept. * , Fire Station and Trucks Total GRAND TOTAL 40,164.00 .'" 1,000.00 ? 5,000 .OO 5' hWfi7 13,695.00 2,500.00 o& 3,500.00 5,000.00 74.359 .OO 95,006 00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 350.00 75.00 115.00 $ 540 00 $150,000.00 u 36,000.00 - 50,000.00 - 100.000.00 -F 12,000.00 6 $348,000 00 $ 17,500.00 - $ 18,700.00 / $ 36.200 ~ 00 521,041.00 ". -