CCR1978235RESOLUTION #235-78
a WHEREAS the City of Muskego had received a claim from Mr.
Joseph Kelly in the amount of $105.00 for damages caused by
the alleged cutting of hay on property owned by him, and
WHEREAS the Finance Committee had recommended denial by the
Common Council by adoption of Resolution #176-78 denying the
claim, and
WHEREAS Mr. Kelly appealed to the small claims court, and
WHEREAS the City Attorney, in agreement with the Director of
Public Works, settled the claim for $64.50, and
WHEREAS the settlement must be approved by the Common Council
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City
Mr. Joseph Kelly in the amount of $64.50.
of Muskego does hereby agree to the settlement of a claim by
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is authorized to make
the necessary payment.
City Clerk