CCR1978197BE IT RES the follo signs and The Highw Statutes, signals a said sign to users (Chapter shali be in place observant All resoll contraven' "NO __ TRAF ~ BE IT FUR resolutio a DATED THI ATTEST - . er City Cl 9/78 RESOLUTION I) 197-78 ESTABLISHING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS JED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego that 1g traffic regulations as indicated by the official ignals designated as hereby adopted. Superintendent in conformity with Chapter 349, State ?all place the following official traffic signs an4 the intersections and upon the highways indicated that md signals shall be located as to give adequate warning the highway and no provision of the Traffic Ordinance of the Municipal Code for Muskego with respect thereto, ioreable unless and until such signs are erected and 1 sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily I 2rson. lons or parts of resolutions inconsistent with or ; this resolution are hereby repealed. RKING" SIGNS - On the east and west side of Racine Avenue 118 mile north and 112 mile of 7.30 A Id. and 3 30 P a!. on Monday south of Noods Road between the hours through Friday C CONTROL SIGN - A 4-may stop sign at the intersection of Forest Drive and Hiawatha Drive 3R RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall file this in her office as part of the original city records. DAY OF , 1978. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thomas J. Van Lanen I 12345 i 1 i I I I I i I I i New Document 12345 W H1 thf be swi W HI Cil THI thf at DAY AT' - Ci- 9/ i je I RESOLUTION #196-78 I. ' ESTABLISHING PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR REZONING REQUEST I (Carl Gratzek) SREAS, the City of Muskego has received a petition for ? r,ezoned from RSM and RS-3 to RS-2, located in the Irezoning of lands from Carl Gratzek, said land to of Section 9, and <REAS, it is necessary that the Common Council of the ty <REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the public hearing for of Muskego schedule a public hearing, /above rezoning request be scheduled for October 24, 1978, ? 7 15 P.M. rED THIS OF , 1978. ty Clerk I i I i. .,. -. . . . . . . . . - . . c *.- - i J