CCR1978194.. 1 . ,. e WHER pet i acre II’HER the THER City sion dete land reas coul woul DATE AT: - Cil 7 L “0 91‘ je RESOLUTION $194-78 DENIAL OF LEGAL STATUS (Richard Wittbrot) S, the Common Council of the City of hluskego has been oned for determination of legal lot status of a 1.6 arcel of land known as S103 W19367 Kelsey Drive, and S, the Plan Commission has recommended denial of quest, ‘ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the f Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commis- lination of legal lot status of a 1.6 acre parcel of does hereby deny the request of Richard Wittbrot for nown as Sl03 W19367 Kelsey Drive, for the following be redivided to allow the creation of a lot which conform to the zoning requirements of the R-1 District. The owner has sufficient land to the west which THIS DAY OF , 1978 Ald. Edwin P. Dumlte - lerk Of part of thr 1 nt the Town of 0 0 I _" ." I I CERTIFIED SURVZY MAP I rth East 114 of Seotion 33 Town 5 North, Range ao Eaet i I uskego, maukesha County, iVisconsin Shebt 1 of 2 Sheete