CCR1978185RESOLUTION 11185-78 TRANSFER OF FUNDS * (LIBRARY and PARK & REC.) WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has received a request from the librarian that $2,000.00 be transferred from unappropriated surplus to Account 580.049, Operating Supply Account, and a request from the Parks and Recreation Board that $432 92 be transferred from unappropriated surplus to Account 57200-2400, Contracted Services, and WHEREAS, the request from the librarian resulted from a miscal- culation of the balance left in the Operating Supply Account, and the request fron the Parks and Recreation Board resulted from their desire to reach all the residents in the city by direct mail advising them of the fall recreational programs available to them, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that the transfers be made. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the transfer of S2,OOO.OO in the unappropriated surplus to the Library's Account 580.049 and $432.92 in the unappropriated surplus to the Parks and Recreation Department's Account 57200-2400. Dated this /d a day of , 1978 U FINANCE COMMITTEE Ronald J. Ford, Alderman Paul J Schaumberg, Alderman ATTEST : City Clerk