CCR1978103I " . " - :: If. ' RESOLUTION n'103-78 *I ~ c AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN RICHARD SCHAUIABERG AND MUSKEGO PARK AND RECREATION BOARD BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, does hereby approve of the attached lease agreement between Richard Schaumberg and~the City of Muskego Park and Rec- creation Board. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1978. t FINANCE COMMITTEE Ronald J. Ford a" Edwin P. bumke 0. DGdL Paul J Schaurnberg ATTEST- City Clerk Lands donated to city for park purposes in Freedom Square - Phase IV ENTAL: The rental for said property shall be the sum of $180.00 for a tern of one year, commencing on the 1st day of ~une, 197.8, and cnding the 31st day of May, 1979. a PURPOSE OF LEASE: The Lessor leases the premises. and the Lessee agree's to use the premises for the grazing and pasturing of 'horses owned by -the Lessee,' but never shall 'the number of horses on the leased premises be more than four (4) at any one time. The Leesee shall also use the premises for the pur pose of recreation connected. with the~-horses 'and. for himself and family and guests and-shall never use the..premises or tb horses for commercial purposes on the premises. - CONDITIONS: ... Lessee shall prior to the use of the __ - " - premises 2s ab ove described and stated; erect fencesi the 1- . material and type of which shall be 'approved by- the Lessor " .- . " and &ich shall be sufficient to keep the. h.orses within the " - _. .- confines of- said fences. Any gates .provided :to the. premises shall be secured by locks and..Lessee shall be 'responsible for the Che maintnnance ad repair :,of said fences at'all times. Any of the lease or a renewal rhereof shall at the option of .the city be- removed by him at the expiration thereof. 1 fences--or other equipment used by the Lessee during the tern $ LIABILITY INSURANCE: Lessee, shall, at his own expense, at all times during the term of this lease, maintain . in force a policy or policies of insurance, written by one or more responsible insurance czrriers, which will insure Lessor -against liability for injury to or death of persons or loss I l or damaze to property occuring in or about the demised premises. . The liability under such insurance shall not be less than $100,000 for any one p. rson killed or injured, $200,000 for any one accident and $50,000 p.ropercy damage. ., .. ASSIGNWENT: This lease shall not be assigned by the Lessee wirhout the express uritcen consent of the park Board. REI\'EWIL: This lezse is not subject to automatic rcne;;al, but mzy be renewed by the pzrk Board with the approval of Che Comon Council cjn an annual bzsis upon such terms and conGi~iors zs c~ne parties mzy zgrec to. Pursuat to Resolufion., ,::1:03-7s passed ad ?.;>?roved 4 by the. Comon Council of the. CiXy of !+uskego, this lease is hereby executed this .Eiq of. 197.8~. CITY OF MUSKEGO, PARK 8: RECREATION BOARD BY Richard Arrowood, President Richard P. Schaumberg RESOLUTION #102-78 Y . APPROVAL OF 1978 CITY OF MUSKEGO CAPITAL BUDGET WHEREAS, the City of Muskego's Capital Budget Committee has presented to the Common Council the recommended budget for 1978 in the amount of $561,833 75. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Capital Budget Committee, does hereby approve of the attached capital budget for the year 1978 in the amount of $561,833.75. DATED THIS DAY OF _____ , 1978 ATTEST CiIy Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGO 1978 CAPITAL BUDGET a POLICE DEPARTFiSNT Radios, Sirens & Miscellaneous equip. $5,781.00 Video Recording Equip. (Hwy Safety Grant) 1.140.00 Cameras 2 - Instamatics for squads 100.00 10 barricades and flashers 200 00 Insulate and Provide Heat for Present Animal Shelter 3,000 00 Three (3) Radar Units 2,100.00 ~~ ~ . . Total $ 12;.321.~00 LIBRARY Parnpttlet File Cabinets 290 00 Card Catalog Pars (Juvenile & Shelflist) 579.00 Shelving Additions 1,755.60 Glippi1lg Trllck 389.55 Audio Vis~~al Equipment Truck 120.00 Papc?rl)af:k Rack 6.1 10 0verrhc:lcI I'rojector 1.65 00 - "" .Total 3,363 25 ) BUILDING INSPECTION ~ DEPARTMENT . Typewriter -Qrain:~ge Plan (North 1/2) Property ]Lines Total CITY CLLR. Pitney-Rowes - Model 5600 Burrouglls 1:lectric Disburser Mailing Machine (Non-Accumulating) Jasper \vIJl.)d Table (42 x 26) 1.B.M El'ectric Typewriter 700.00 10,000.00 8.000.00 - " " ~ .~ " 18,700 00 1,r,24.00 895.00 '150 00 81 00 To.t a 1 3,350 00 . . . .. "~". I ~" 2'". .- -r -. XeIt pickup (trade off jee?) (* ton) $ 6,600 00 Athleric field marker 400 00 Picnic tables 1,000 00 Hot, high pressure washer 925.00 One aluminum rowboat 200 00 Tennis Court wind screens (High School - 3 wings) 900 00 One new Toto 72" Groundmaster (Trade-off Simplicity 20-20) 5,1?5 00 Three Swim Area marker buoys & Equip.) 150.00 Six 5x10 tumbling mats ($125 00 ea. ) 750.00 Bulkhead - Idle Isle 1,950.00 e Total LAND .PURCHASES.: (Park 61 Rec..) Racine Ave.- property War-d VI- I 37 ;-so0 -00 Opfi-on; Boxhoro -Dr.: property=Ward--VII 1,100-00. ." Tot a1 " - - ,DEPARTMENT PROJECTS. - (Park & Rec. ) Horn Park .- Bluhm-Park Baseball- Complex- Idl-e Isle Park Kurth Park Lake Lot Landscaping I.dle Isle Park Building . I Total rl) PUBLIC VORKS DEPARThlENT Storm Drainage EQUIPMZNT - Public Works 38,600 00 12;350 00 7,500.00 4,000 00 9,151 00 1,000.00 6.480 00 18,050.00 40,481 00 TOTAL - PARK & RECREATION $97,131.00 150,000.00 $ ton pickup truck (replacement) 6,000 00 Heavy duty +-wheel truck (replrcernent) 7O,000.00 (With plow, wiog & sander) :.!zjor road improvements i?sphalting & Sealcoating 100,000 00 100,000 00 Tor21 CITY HALL Bulletin Board - City Hall Complex Six fold-0-leg Mitchell tables e75.75 ea. Vacuum Cleaner - City Hall Complex 426,000 00 - 454 50 15U. 00 364.00 968.50 C-R.:I\D TOT1.L C.APiT1.L SLQC-ET s 561,833.75