CCR1978101. D b 1. )! RESOLUTION fi'lO1-78 , AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY TO BEGIN CONDEMNATION PROCEDURES (Lake Denoon Sewer Project - Arrington) WHEREAS, construction of sewers in the Lake Denoon area has begun, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the city to acquire -a small parcel of land from the James R.-Arrington property (Tax Key #2286:982) in order .that: a needed lift station can be constructed; and WHEREAS, negotiations between the Arringtons and the city have failed, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Public Sewer Committee, does hereby direct the City Attorney to begin condernn$tion procedures for a parcel of land ideritffied as Property Tax Key #2286.982. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk and Mayor are author- city and to hire an appraiser in the event one is needed. ized to execute the necessary documents in the name of the PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Ald Ronald J Ford ATTEST City Clerk