CCR1978078RESOLUTION 1/78-78 ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR CULVERT INSTALLATIONS WHEREAS, the Public Works Department had authorized the adver- tising of bids for culvert installation for private drives within * the City of Muskego for a one year period, and I WHEREAS, a bid was received from Brookfield Culvert Co., and WHEREAS, upon review of the bid received the Public Works Committee has recommended that the bid of Brookfield Culvert Co. be accepted. THqREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the- Comon Council of the City of- Muskego-does m here by.,:^ upon-.the .recommendat-i.on-:of.:the::Pub.lic.Works -:"- Cormnittee, .accept~ the bid:o€ :Brookfield- Culvert-:Co.:"to install I; year :period ~4. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized .to execute the necessary document in the name of the city. -Si- all .culve'rts :for private drives-withinikhe3City"of Muskegocfor=a one-:" , 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - ATTEST: City Clerk Paul J. Schaumberg CULVERT 1 ;TALLMION PROPOSAL. To the City of f,\uskcgo /.'uskeyo -, Wiawmin Thc undcroigllcd, hoving become fnmlliar vith the local condition0 OffCCtIog tllc CO~C of cho work ond with the Contract Docun.~nto, Including odvertiococnc for Uld3, ltmr1uctiom to Diddoro. Cenernl Conditions of the Concroct. Speclo1 Co\>d!rion-.of the Controct, tho Tow of Propoosl, thc.Pom of Conrroct, Form of the Concroct Docurmnt~on file -in the Offfco of .the City Clcrk,: :: of NuJskc30 ., 1.liccoa~in. .11creby ~KI~OQC to parform everything rcquired. LO bc .p~crfora:d ond to - provide ond funlloll dl of the lobor, .materinlD, .Ilcccoooly toolo. .cxpcnJ&lc ._ cquipccnt nnd oll utility and ti-oruportotion eerdceo nccccoory to perform and":: dc3cribcd in tl~c follo~ring Didding Schedule, oll io occordoncc Llith the Spccifi- -7 !/ Dood, ctc.. nnd Spccificotions and Addcndn and IjlhiLito i3oued ond:ottochcd to I\ . co~plccc In LI uorl~mn'_llic odnner all of the work required for 'nnd the work ' co~ions for the aum eet forth In tho followiw Giddivs Schedule: Lun7 Sm Coat Pcr root Co3t for minFmum for Length in..- Lengths Exccos of EUnima 3 13 G LU ~ 0 1 5. 1' . A. 20 ' ~LJ>.LJU 11.p 320 .OO 12.50 1. U 024 1' .A. 22' 465.00 19 .OC_ 3. ?. - 4J>. UU 1o.uu " 20" 72 565.00 20.00 12 //x ~" I! ,\, 22' 590.00 21 .oo 26 * 865.00 1 f3 (/ 1: :i 1' . A . 24 ' 890-00 37.00 - 75.00 74 1.065.00 40.00 16 VGZ P.A. 2G ' 1,11~.00 42.00 17 4 0" 26 ' 1.515.00 46 .OO 10 06U P.A. 26' 1.615.00 50.00 - 1. 3 1 5 4 2" - .;v ., .I, " - ______~