CCR1978070RESOLUTION #70-78 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT (Marlan Meadows) WHEREAS, a preliminary plat for a proposed 69 lot sub- division in Section 4 has been submitted to the Common Council known as Marlan Meadows, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the conditions that an easement be provided on Lot 30 for a turn-around with the City to obtain the 25' strip of city-owned land at the end of Elm Drive and that the developer negotiate to the north to be attached to Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and Outlot 3. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby approve of the prelim- inary plat for a proposed 69 lot subdivision in Section 4 subject to the conditions that an easement be provided on Lot 30 for a turn-around at the end of Elm Drive and that the developer negotiate with the City to obtain the 25' strip of city-owned land to the north to be attached to Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and Outlot 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the submittal of Plan Commission and Council will be executed. the final plat a developer's agreement acceptable to the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the developer's agreement contain appropriate language relative to the maintenance of Outlot #2. DATED THIS 25th DAY OF April , 1978 ,,,A w. ilkh& Ald. Edwin P. Dumke ATTEST City Clerk RESOLUTION #70-78 / APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT (Marlin Meadows) i WHEREAS, a preliminary plat for a proposed 69 lot sub- Council known as Marlin Meadows, and' division in Section 4 has been submitted to the Common WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has r{commended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the conditions that an easement be provided on Lot 30 for a turn-around at the end of Elm Drive and that/ the developer negotiate with the City to obtain the 25' strip of city-owned land to the north to be attached to Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and Outlot 3. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED t9at the Common Council of the City of Muskego does he,reby approve of the prelim- inary plat for a proposed 169 lot subdivision in Section 4 on Lot 30 for a turn-aroynd at the end of Elm Drive and subject to the conditions/that an easement be provided that the developer negot,iate with the City to obtain the 25' strip of city-oyned land to the north to be attached to Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and Outlot 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the submittal of the final plat a deve'lopers agreement acceptable to the Plan Commission and,Council will be executed. ! / / I DATED THIS I /DAY OF , 1978. I plan Commission City of Muskego P. 0. Box 25 Muskego, WI -53150 Gentlemen: The results of our storm drainage study for Marlan Meadows Subdivision in Section 4 are as follows. 1. 100 yr. storm peak flow contributing to exist- just-.South of :Pear1 Drive is 350 cfs. ing 48" x 76". conc. low-head at Muskego Drive 2. The--48" x 76" pipe-can drain 140 cfs with no head water backup. 3. To reduce the above peak flow and utilize the layout of Marlan Meadows Subdivision, two detention ponds operating in series were studied. 4. To maintain the capacity flow from the existing 24".CMP crossing Martin Drive of 12 cfs, a detention area with 37:8 ac.-ft. of storage is needed North of Martin Drive. A 10.0 acre site having a average depth of 7.0 feet, 5 foot water is needed-to-accommodate a pond of this volume depth and 2.0 feet of freeboard 5. In series with the above pond, a detention area with 4.5 ac.-ft. of storage is needed in Marlan Meadows Subdivision, located within Outlot 2 This pond would require an outlet flow release The entire area of Outlot 2 would be needed to rate of 60 cfs. based on the 100 yr. storm flow. construct this pond having a water area of 1.0 acre and and average depth of 6 5 feet, 4 5 foot water depth and 2.0 feet of freeboard. 6. The above ponds would be constructed to drain low flows in an invert along the bottom of the pond which would have a minimum grade of 0.50%. March 31, 1978 RUEKERT & MIELKE. INC mFCISIEIICD LINO SURVIIORS PQOFC55lONAL ENGINEER5 .le FREDLRIC" STREET WAUKESHA. WISCONSIN 53166 s- Page two Plan Commission The above detention facilities are recommended for implementation in the development of this area in Section 4 in order to eliminate future storm water backup problems in the area of Muskego Drive at the inlet of the existing 48" x 76" concrete low-head pipe. Very truly yours, RUEKERT & MIELKE, IN. FRjr. :sl cc: Mr. Gerald Lee, City Building Inspector Mr. Roger Johnson