CCR1978058RESOLUTION #58-78 b \1 J ACCEPTANCE OF QUOTE FOR TESTING EQUIPMENT FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources has advised the city that additional testing in their sewage treatment facilities will be required, and WHEREAS, the additiona1,testing will require equipment which- the sewer..district does..not .have, .and . WHEREAS, 'the city ,has:receiv.ed the .following quotes~:.~. Grant $ 1,9352.3 Millipore 1,422.60 Curtin Matheson 1,956 68 Fisher 1,992.04 and WHEREAS, the Sewer Committee has recommended that the-.low quote.of Curtin Matheson be accepted-because it was the only-quote submitted that included all of -the needed-items; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.:that, upon the recommendation of the Sewer Committee, the quote of Curtin Matheson in the amount of $1,956 68 be accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk and Mayor are authorized to execute the necessary agreement DATED THIS $$%A, OF mQ& , 1978 PUBLIC SEWER COhIMITTEE n &@3& Ald. ralph Tomczyk Ald. Ronald J Ford ATTEST: .