CCR1978035RESOLUTION #35-78 + - APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP (Harold DeBack) WHEREAS, a certified survey map has been submitted to the Common Council to finalize a two-parcel division of land of the Harold DeBack property located on Racine Avenue in the NE of Sec. 16 the (fomer Nieman property), and WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission has recommended approval of the proposed division, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approve of the certified survey map to finalize a two- parcel division of the Harold DeBack property located on Racine Ave. in the NE of Section 16. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said approval is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. I m , Alderman ATTEST : City Clerk .. , .. I- , L' J IDENTIFIABLE MERIDIAN WEST LINE OF (WISCCNSIN PLANE COORDlNnTE SYSTEM SW 1/4 OF SEC. 6.5-20 NW"59' 13"W GRID NORTH, scum ZONE ). I " - CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP A FnRT CF THE NCRTHEPST OUE-WRTER OF THE SOJTHWEST ONE-OCV\RTER a SCTION 16, T5NI R2OE, CTp( OF MUMGO, WUKESHA CONY, WISONSIN. WRMY, 1978 THE <N) PER LINEAL FOOT