CCR1978023ATTEST : I RESOLUTION 823-78 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE PARCEL OF LAND ' IN Musum BUSINESS/INDUSTRIAL PARK .. I I (Joseph J. Surinak) I WHEREAS, .-the :city-has-.received-.anloffer..of~.$44,.000-.-00 for-the E- purchase-of,Cots;6,7.,8.&' 9~,Xloc?k;5 (4.4 acres)-inithe'Cit-y'.s'-: BuBi.ness/Iridustrial ,PaYk:by:-Jo<eph- J. :Surinaky-and<:.? ! WHEREAS, 'acceptance of the-offer- has been- recommended by- the City's Industrial Broker, E. M. Boerke, Inc., THEREFORE, BE 'IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the Offer to Purchase a parcel of- rand.,-zLotsJt6,7,8 & 9, :Block-5 (4.,4 acres). in the.-City'-s -. BuSiness/-Industrial.-Pa~k~fromm-Joseph~.J. Surinak.:fof-the".price. ..r of $44,000.00! BE..IT FURTHERiRESOLVED- that- the Mayor and City Clerk~-are authorized tolexecute the necessary documents in the name of the City. I I I I DATED THIS !!4 DAY OF I I -Q , 1978. I INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE G G>,,, a 1- Al$: Edwin P. Dumke WJ ~lQz Ald. Mdrk E. Pienkos I, Bette J. Bowy'er, CiFy Clerk I R ”