CCR1978020RESOLUTION # 20-78 I , APPROVAL OF PRELIMGARY P~AT I (Donald Miller) WHEREA:S, the city has received a preliminary plat from Donald' G. Miller for a proposed subdivision on Janesville Road iin the NW% of Section 10, and WHEREASS, the Plan Commission,'at its meeting held January to -f~av,orable reportstand recommendations from- the object-ing 17,. 19,78, recommended council^ approval of said plat subject agenciles. THEREF,ORE;'.BE .IT RESO~LVED>that -the. :Commo.n .Coi,nci.l.:of .t-he' City-o;f:.Muskego,,.upon the cecommendation:a,f ..t-he City'pla~n- - Commission, :doe's her.eby .approve ;o.f :the preliminary plat submitted by Donald G. Miller for a proposed subdivison on Janesville Road in the NWg of Section 10, subject to favorable reports and recommendations from the objecting agencies and affected city boards, commissions and depart- ments.' I DATED 1 TH I s DAY .. OF. ~- , 1978: ATTEST: