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CCR1978010!. W ~ , 4 RESOLUTION #lo-78 \ AUTHORIZING CHANGE OF POLLING PLACE FOR , DISTRICT #3 . , WHEREAS, those voters residing in District I11 have been usinglthe Muskego Elementary School, and WHEREAS, it has been requested that a change be made, and ' i WHEREkS, the Muskego Volunteer Fire Company has agreed to permit the city to use their building as a polling placel, and WHEREAS, all polling places must be determined by the Common Council, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the C;ity of Muskego does hereby establish the Muskego Volunpeer Company Station #1, located at S76 W17858 Janesville Road, as the official polling place for Distrkct 111. I BE IT^ FURTHER RESOLVED that this action shall become effektive for the General Election to be held on April 4, DATEd THIS at$AY OF I I I ATTEST :-