CCR1978007WHERE corn0 divis Drive WHERE of th THERE City.l does.. by ..Ro f ofme of Se BE IT appro DATED ATTES __ City 1/78 je RESOLUTION #7-78 APPROVAL OF CERTIFIED SURVEY'MAP (Roger Kastello) Council by Roger Kastello to finalize a one parcel , a certified survey map has been submitted to the n of the former Kostka property located on Gold n the NE 1/4 of Section 5, and proposed division, , the City Plan Commission has recommended approval mRE,::BE ~1.T :RESOLVED:Chat the Common. Council of. the' -MuskegoZ;-upon 7r.ecommendat fori :of -the.:Plari .-Commission ; - r.eby.~:approve~;of-the.;certified~sur.veyi-map-~submit.ted.:~ r .KaStel-l.O.'to Ain'alize .a one .parcel ..division of the.. .~ Kos-t-ka'property ..located- on Gold-Drfve in-'the NE l/4 ion 5. 'URTHER RESOLVED that said approval is subject to the 1 of the City Engineer. erk CERTIFIED SURVEY MAP NO. "" """_ Located in the N!E. $ of Section 5 T. 5N., R.20E., City-of Kuakeeo 'daukesha County, hisconsin I "- I PREVIOUSLY DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC STREE? 1- 1 RECORDED AS DUEl,EAST) I N 88"52'23 E 2 10.00' i I I ? Vr24'lRON PIPE'WEIGHING' cu ALL BEARINGS REFERENCED ! TO THE EAST LINE OF THE N.E.l/4 OF SEC.5,ASSUMBbs BEARING OF N00°25'31'W~I - - iz ""_ _"" UNPLATTED LANDS I I I *.. , . ,.." <- r C sf<- .+ . \ 3,. ... ...,, < 3 N.E.14 OF SEC.5 CONC. MONUMENT W/ BRASS, CAP N.E. 1/4, SEC.5 1 ! SCALE: 1'. : 2000' 3UWZY03'5 4FFID.4VIT: jT?.TZ C? ':8-!.UKZ5i?.4 COUNTY I, 3ocer Y. Johnson, rezlstered land surveyor, beinE first duly sworn, That I nave surveyed, divided and rnapped all that part of the X.E. of *oath hereby depose and say: boanded and described as follows: Section 5, T.5h'., !7!20E., City of E.:uskezo, Xaukesha County, .,{isconsin, ;:03°25'31":i' on and ?long the East line of the R.E. 5 of said section, 309.22 Coaaencing at :he S.E. corner of the K.Z. a of Section 5; thence feet to the place of beslnnlna of. the lends herein described; thence 5ae052' 23"*:!., 210.00 feet; thence !COo025'31";,'., 233.08 feet to the center line of a proposed bubllc street; thence N88052'23"E., on and alons said centerline 210.00 feet; thence 300°25'31"S., on and alons the East line of the i:.Z. 2, 233.08 feet to the place of be~innin~. THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTEDIBY ROBERT G. FOX SHEET I OF 2