CCR1977295WHEREAS, the Finance Cotunittee has reccnumeded thet a proposed Prcvcntive Maintenance Agq?emeqF between the City of Muekego and the Slater Equipwnt Company for the city's U1900 addreeso- graph and the 86300 gvaphotype be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Counall of the City of Muskegp does hereby apptove of an agreement between the Clty of Muskego and the Siater Quipawnt Company for a Preventive Maintenance Agreement for a 81900 addwesograph and a #6300 graphotype at a coat Vt to erase4 $244.40 for the year of 1978. BE IT FURTHER BESO&VED thpt the City Clerk be aut+rfmed to execute the egreewnt in behalf of the city, Paul J, Schaumberg ATTEST : City Clerk