CCR1977288RESOLUTION #288-77 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MUSKEGO AND ADVANCED SOUND & SECURITY WHEREAS, there are several businesses/residences who have installed monitors at the Police Department Dispatch Center, and WHEREAS, the new police facility will make this service available to a greater number of people, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of all parties involved to protect and unify the installation and maintenance of the system, and WHEREAS, the Public Safety. Committee has recommended that Advanced Sound- and -Security and the City of - Muskego enter into an -agreement-..whereby~r.they ,would.:-bexesponsible for <" the'.installation .and:mai-ntenance..of :all.~:equipment related to .the .security-alarm:monitor at the Police Department." Dispatch:Center. THEREFORE;" BE -:IT 'RESOLVED that. the: Conimon.-Council -of. the-. Committee:- does. .hereby-approve-of theLproposed. agreement Cityy.of Muskego ,-::upom the -=recommendat-.ion- of the Safety between the: Cit-y of Muskego-and-.Advanced Sound and Security. BE:IT FURTHER RESOLVED..that the.Mayor and-City Clerk are of the City. author~ized--:to execute the necessar --documents in the name DATED THIS -. /3 DAY- " OF " &, 1977. PUBLIC.SAFETY COMMITTEE Ald. Mark E. Pienkos ATTEST: Ald. ~Raymond R. Wallner