CCR1977273RESOLUTION 11273-77 GRANTING-A PERMIT TO PAYNE & DOLAN OF WISCONSIN, INC. TO OPERATE A PORTABLE ASPHALT PLANT WHEREAS, Payne~-& Dolan of Wisconsin, ~Inc. has requested permission to-continue..the operation of theirportable asphalt plant at its present location -on~-Crowbar Road, and WHEREAS~j~~-it~~as=been;recommende~~~yrt.he-,Plan-C~i-ssion. that-said - request-be granted, THEREFORE;-:BE..IT.-RESOLVEDZthat~:the common Council of. theLCity. of Muskego .does~-,hereby-:grant-a permit-to fPayne~-& Dol-an :of-Wisconsin, - 1nc.-; to operate- their.:portable :asphalt :plant -at: its .present location on Crowbar:=Road, .said .permit :to expire December -1, 1978. ’ ATTEST: c