CCR1977271RESOLUTION #271-77 . TRANSFER FROM UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS (Re: Industrial Park Promotion) WHEREAS, on the 14th day of June, 1977, the Common Council adopted Resolution #126-77 which involved the transfer of $2,000.:00 from Account. #255.,- Industrial Pa-rk Income; to.Account ,#602.046, industrial^ Park Promotion, and WHEREAS,. the city.l.s auditor has advised that the money should have been-transferred from Unappropriated Surplus, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby rescind its action on Resolution #126-77. BE 1T.FURTBER:-RESOLVED that^ the.~Clerk-Comptroller is authdr5zebLto..transfer .$2-,:000.00 ~fr.om-Unappropriated Surplus to Account .#602~. 046, Industria1,Park promotion^. DATED THIS 2 a DAY OF' -A n&d 1977. ATTEST: Y City Clerk