BE IT RESOLVED by the Ccrrnnon Council of the City of Iluskego
chat the foll~owing traffic rzz.latj.ons as iljdicated by the official
signs and sign2ls designated are hereby adopted.
The Highway Superintendcnt in cn~forrnity wich Cimpter 349,
state statutes, shall place the following official trzffic signs and
signals at the intersections and upon the highldays Indicated; that
said signs and signal shall. be located as to eive adeGuace .warning
to users of the highway and no pr.ovisi.on of the Traffic 0rdi.nance
(Chapter 7) of the P:unicipal Code for Muskego with respect thereto,
shall be enforceable unless and until such signs are erected and
in place and sufficiently legible to be secn'by 'an ordinarily
observant person.
All resolutious or pzrts of resolutions inconsistent with or
: contravening this resolution are her@by repealed.
TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN - "STOP" sign on the northeest comer
of Kiese Dr. at its intersection of Dr..
"STOP" sign on northeast corner of :
Kristin Dr.. at .its intersection with
Pioneer- Dr.
Removal of three existing "stop"
signs in ,Hi-View Acres Subdivision
"YTELD" sign installed on Acker Drive
westbound at intersection with Hi-View Dr.
"YIELD" sign installed on Acker Drive
northbound at its intersection with
Hi-View Drive.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLEL, that the Ciry Clerk sh~l! file this
resolution in her office as part of the original City records.
Ysrk E. Pienkos
City Clerk