CCR1977201APPROVAL OF CONCEPT AN0 APPHOVING SE\VER SERVICE TO PROPOSED MARLAN MEADOWS SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the City of Muslcego has received ;L prOpOsCd develop- ment known as Marlan Meadows to be located on the Parks and Bass property, and WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has reviewed the proposal which includes an approximately 8-acre park to be dedicated to the city and recommended to the Common Council approval of the concept, and WHEREAS, the Public Sewer Conunittee has reconmended that the developers of Marlan Meadows be permitted to connect into the city’s sanitary sewer system, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Comrnon Council of the City of hluskego does hereby, upon the recommendation of the Plan Cormission and the Sewer CGmittee, Zpprove the concept of the proposed hlarlan Meadows Subdivision and does also grant system. . to them the right to connect into the city’s municipal sewer - ” BE IT FURTKER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to Ordinance and Land Division Ordinance are met. the understanding that provisions of the city’s Zoning DATED THIS I3 DAY OF a , 1977 &.LP&A / Edwin P. Dumke , \ ATTEST