CCR1977145J RESOLUTION #145-77 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND PROPERTY OWNERS FOR SITE TESTING FOR DREDGING MATERIAL WHEREAS, it is necessary to take soil borings on the several sites which might be used for the disposal of dredgine spoils from Little Muskego Lake, and WHEREAS, the execution of the agreement between the property owners and the city in necessary, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between tho property owner6 of several sites which could be used for the disposal of dredging spoils from Little Muskego Lake and the city. DATED THIS Jf DAY OF (&/;ma , 1977. "_ ATTEST : _. LICENSE FOR SITE TESTING e WHEREAS, the CI ty of Muskego, here lnafter cal led "Licensee", has requested permlsslon of the underslgned, hereinafter called "Licensor", to make a site evaluation of certain real estate owned by the Licensor for the purpose of detei-mining whethor said slte would be suitable for the disposal of dredging materials from Little Muskego Lake, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: Licensor hereby grants to Licensee the right and privilege to enter on the land herelnfter descrlbed any tiw within a period nf davs from the date hereof to carrv out the fol lowino -. e- ~ site evaluation operations and other subsurface exploratory work as may be necessary for the purposes of Licensee: I. To make sol I bor lngs & vat- ious locat ions on-the site which borings will consist of boring several auger holes approximately 6 inches in diameter and approximately 15 feet deep. 2. In conjunction wlth said borings to collect ground water samples at each site for analysis and to install one permanent ground water monitorlng well by the placgrnent of a 6 inch plastic pipe casing to a point below the water table. e 3. Archaeologial Survey to dztermine the presence of significant cultural resources by shovel testing (garden shovel only) in areas uncultivated and to collect surface deposits where the so11 is exposed. 4. General work. To map vegetation species on each site and to evaluate sach slte as to locatlon of structures, transmission routes, carr lage water returns, etc. If Llcensee should lnfllct any damage to crops or other e property of Llcensor In carrying out prlvlleges hereln granted, Licensee shall pay to Llcensor reasonable compensatlon for crops and property damagod. Upon completion of the project Licensee expressly agrees that the surface or subsurface of the sol1 as may have been disturbed in the above descrlbed work will, at the expense of Llcensee, be replaced In substantiBi~iy the same condition as existed prior to the work. The Licensors reserve to themselves the right to make such use of the land Included in this license as will not dlsturb or Interfere with the work being donducted ~ursuant to this License. The Licersor consents to the entry by 7 *- the Licensee or its employees, workmen, agents or Independent contractors for the purpose of conducting such site evaluations as are described in this I icense. '+ .- Licensee will at all times Indemnify licensor agaik all actions, claims, demands, liabilities and damages which may in any manner be imposed on or incurred by Licensor as a consequence of, or arising out of, any act, default or omission on the part of the Licensee or any of Its officers, employees, agents or contractors, in connection with the site evaluation tests as above described. The real estate affected by this license is described as foi lows: 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part les hereto have execute,d this agreement this a day of 1977. L I censor L i censor --\ CITY OF MUSKEGO - .. Bette J. Bowyer, Clerr -