CCR1977126RESOLUTION .#126-77 TRANSFER OF FUNDS (Re Industrial Park) \VHEREAS, the city has been advised by its industri:tl broker that in order that additional promotion of [he industrial park is possible additional funds must be made available, and WHEREAS, the city has previously expended monies for promotion of the park and it would be in the best interest of the city to continuc such promotion, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has recommended that monies be transferred from the Industrial Park revq'nue account (#255) to a newly established account entitled, Industrial Park Promotion (#602.046), THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council. ,.f the City of hluskego, upon the recommendation of the Fiuance Committee, does hereby authorize the Ci.ty Clerk-Col::Ptroller to create Account 2602.046 (Industrial Park Promotton) and to transfer Park Income Account (#255) Account )i'602.046 DATED THIS /4 DAY OF , 1977. ATTEST U City Clerk i