CCR1977121RESOLUTION #121-77
WHEREAS, on March 22, 1977, the Common Council authorized
the Director of Park and Recreation to submit application
to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources,
ment of Jensen and Schmidt Parks, and
for such financial aids as may be available for the improve-
WHEREAS, the City has been notified that funds in the amount
of $18,300.00 for the development and improvement for the
the necessary Recreation Aids Agreement between the City Of
above parks have been approved subject to the execution of
Muskego and the DNR by the Mayor,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the
City of Muskego does hereby authorize Mayor Jerome J.
Gottfried to execute the agreement between the City and
order that one-half of the total project costs for the
the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in
development and improvement of Jensen and Schmidt Parks
in the amount of $1.8.300.00 will be received by the Cj.ty of
Muskego under the LAWCON Program.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that snid agreement is approved by
the Citv Attornev.
DATED THIS &)p DAY OF mw , 1977
Department of Natural R urces
tL-.dison. Wisconsin 53707
State of 'Wiscons
Box 7921
Form 8700-65 Rev. 10-76
Sponsor Project Number
City of Muskego
Project Title
Schmidt Park and Jensen Park Development
Period Covered by This Agreement Name of Program
Date of DNR approval to June 30, 1978
Project Scope and Description of Project
The City of Muskego will further develop Schmidt and Jensen Parks, located in the
City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, for public outdoor recreation.
The proposed development will consist of the following items as further detailed
on the attached 8700-14.
Schmidt Park
1. Engineering
2. Tennis courts (2)
Jensen Park
1. Engineering
2. Parking lot
3. Landscaping
4. Playground equipment
5. Underground electric
Preagreement costs incurred from January 1, 1977 to date of project approval in
an amount not to exceed $3,300 shzll be allowable under this agreement
Project Cost:
Total Cost $ 36,600
Fund Support 50 %
State Aid Amount $ 18,300
Sponsor Share $ 18,300
The following attachments are hereby
incorporated into this agreement:
1. General Provisions of the Outdoor
Recreation Aids Agreement for
State Funds 8700-65A
2. Project Proposal OW-LPA-604
3. Outdoor Recreation Aids
Total State Aid $ 18.300 8700-14
.. ".,
The State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Sponsor mutually
agree to perfom this agreement in accordance with the (Name of Program)
application, terms, promises, conditions, plans, specifications, estimates,
procedures, maps, and assurances attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources hereby promises, in
consideration of the covenants and agreements made by the Sponsor herein, to
obligate to the Sponsor tbe~amount of money referred to above, and to tender to
the Sponsor that portion of the obligation which is required to pay the Department's
share of the costs of the above project stage, based upon the above percentage of
assistance. The Sponsor hereby promises, in consideration of the promises made by
the Department herein, to execute the project described above in accordance with
the covenants and agreements of this agr\?ment.
Disputes regarding quality and quantity shall be settled by arbitration and
according to Chapter 298, Wisconsin Statutes.
The Sponsor agrees not to discriminate against any employe or applicant for
employment because of age, handicap, physical condition, developmental disability,
race, religion, sex, color or national origin regarding employment, upgrading,
demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, lay-off or
training, including apprenticeship. The Sponsor agrees to take affirmative action
termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for
to ensure equal employment opportunities for persons with physical disabilities. :
The following special project terms and conditions were added to this agreement
before it was signed by the parties hereto:
ORAP-LPA and with the general provisions, project proposal,
The person signing for the Sponsor represents both personally and as an agent
of his/her principal that he/she is authorized to execute this agreement and bind
his/her principal, either by a duly adopted resolution or otherwise.
date entered below.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the
April 27, 1977