CCR19770508 RESOLUTION #50-77 . (As Amended) .- APPROVAL OF GRIEVANCE (MPPA) WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received a grievance from the Muskego Professional Policeman's Association involving credit for holiday pay when double shifts are worked, and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police and the Finance Committee, upon the advice of its negotiator, has denied the grievance because there is no violation of the contract and being untimely, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of Finance Committee, does hereby deny the grievance filed the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the by the Muskego Professional Policeman's Association. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1977. FINANCE COMMITTEE nH4l Ald. Edwin P. Dude Ald. Paul J. Schaumberg /@tL4&? A . Charles C. p+ o rn ATTEST : a WlB2 58200 RACINE AVENUE * MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 53150 March 9, 1977 I, June E,. Elger, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Muskego, do hereby certify that on March 9, 1977, the Mayor, of the City of Muskego, submitted to this 1offi;e'hi.s intention to veto Resolution #50-77, entitled, Denial of Grievance of Muskego I.' n <.I Professional Policeman Is Association, which was adopted by the Common Council on March 8, 1977. March 18, 1977 To: The Honorable Aldermen of the City of Muskego Re: Veta of Resolution $50-77, As Amended Gentlemen : $50-77, As Amended, which approved a grievance filed by the Muskego On March 8, 1977, your honorable body adopted Resolution Professional Po1iceman"s Association. You will recall that the ment between the City and Teamster's Local $695. You will further grievance involved Article 5, Section 4, of the 1976 labor agree- working a double shift did not receive double holiday hours. recall that the grievance was based on the fact that officers The grievance indicated that on Good Friday and Labor Day a shift team worked two successive 8-hot1r shifts. On the recommendation of the city's negotiator the Finance Committee recommended denial of the grievance. were set forth at your meeting on March 8th and it appears to me that those of you who were in favor of approving the grievance felt that the officers involved deserved the extra compensation. I do not intend to spend a great deal of time reviewing the matter once again, however, I must point out the grievance involved circumstances which happened from four to nine months prior to the time it was filed. It was also filed after the negotiating teams had discussed the matter and agreed to the clarification of the section involved for the 1977 contract. In other words, after the problem had been resolved in the 1977 contract the Association chose to grieve the matter based on the language of the 1976 contract. I believe this is wrong and unfair to the city. I warranted it should have been filed immediately after the incident further believe that if the Association felt a grievance was occurred and not after the language was clarified in the 1977 contract. I have considered the many arguments, both pro and con, that a action on Resolution 250-77, As Amended, and urge that you sustain that veto It is for the above reasons that I have chosen to veto your P Sincerely yours, Jerome J. Gottfried, Mayor City of Muskego JJG/ je RESOLUTION #50-77 (As Amended) APPROVAL OF GRIEVANCE MPPA , h'HEREAS, the City of hluskego has 1-eceived 3 gl.ievance from the hluskego Professional Policeman's )Issociation involving credit for holitlay p:ty \r.ilen double shifts are worked, and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police and the Finance Colnrnittee, upon the advice of its negotiator, 11as denied the grievance because there is no violation of the contract and being untimely, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Con~mon Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recorm~~ndation of the Finance Committee, does hereby deny the grievance filed by the hluskego Prhofessional Policeman's Associaxion. e DATED THIS 5 DAY OF dA , 1977 FINANCE COBlhIITTEE ATTEST : City Clerk