CCR19770498 \WEREAS, the Common Counci 1 G r !.he Ci:(:y u3 Muskego. in cooperation with the Little hlusltcgo L;ll:.e iit;soc:j.;!tion, has created the Joe Love Rccyclinc F'llncl, and WHEREAS, the purpose cjf the 1t11111 was LC :vid in LI1C rehabilitation and restur;ic.i~;~i of tllc I:~.Iics 1.n the City of hluskego, and WHEREAS, the Chaj rmzn oI' tl~e Dredging rl:ol~mi LLL-e UP the Little Muskego Lake Association has requesterl Illat $2,000 00 be transferred from the Joe Love Rccycling Fund, and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee has racormnended that the request be granted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of to transfer $2,000 00 from the Joe Love Recycling Fund the City of Llusltego does hereby approve of the request to the Little Muskego Lake Dredging Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk-Comptroller is authorized to make the necessary transfers A DATED THIS DAY OF QL -4h , 1977 FINANCE COh,llil I TTEE " Aid Paul J. Schaumberg ATTEST City Clerk