CCR1977046RESOLUTION g.16-77
WHEREAS, the City of hluskego has been 'advised of a request
for the rezoning of a parcel of land located at the northeast
corner of West Forest Home Avenue, South North Cape Road and
Hi-View Drive from R-2 Single Family Residence District to
8-3 Business District, and
WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has reviewed the matter and
recommended to the Franklin Common Council that the request be
denied on the basis that the rezoning could adversely affect
the property values of residents living in the City of Muskego
adjacent to the property to be rezoned and further that much
of the area adjacent to the land in question is developed
residentially, and
WHEREAS, the Common Council respectfully urges its sister
city to the east to consider the many ramifications if the
rezoning took place,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of,the
City of Muskego does hereby urge the denial of the rezoning
request submitted by Frank A. and Priscilla hl. Staab from R-2
Single Family Residence District to B-3 Business District
on the following described property. 4
Northeast corner of West Forest Home
Avenue, South North Cape Road and
Hi View Drive.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City
of Muskego wishes to express its appreciation for the
opportunity to be heard on this matter.
DATED THIS DAY OF %\& , 1977
Ald. Charles C. Colburn