CCR1977045RESOLUTION # 45-77 "" RESOLUTION OF NECESS.rTY BERINCER EASEhlEIiT WHEREAS, Public necessity demands that storm drainage facilities be provided on Lochcrest Boulevard to serve area drainage requirements, and that the City acquire said lands I'or said purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by .the Common Coliocil terest that an easement be acquired Werthe following descrj.l,ed of the City of Nuskego, that it is necessary in the public in- property for storm and drainage purposesl and that the attached Relocation Order for the proper establlshine lavine out. constructing, reconstructing; improving and rnaintainlng u 0: said easement be approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate for the acquisition of said easement required for said purpose and in the event said hereby authorized and directed to take by condemnation the interest lands cannot be obtained by negotiation, the City Attorney is in said lands required for said drainage purpose. Legal description as foll.ows: "The East 40 feet of the North 30 feet of Lot 14 HILLVIEW FAR31 LOCHURST PLAT." Tax Key #2189.080 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS g"z DAY OF , 1977. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE ATTEST : City Clerk " -. 0 0 BERINGER EASEKEXT RELOCATION ORDER BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, Finds and Determines that: The proper establishing! laying out, constructicg, re- facility requires the acquisition of the lands, or interests in constructing,-~improving-or maintalnlng of a storm and drainage lands, shown on the map or copy thereof marked: "Beringer Parcel". The Common c council of-the City of Muskegoj~ thereby Orders that: 1. the said-e'asement is 'hereby-laid :out. and esta-- blished. 2. The required lands. or interest-.in lands as shom..-~ on the map shall be acquired pursuant-to the Wisconsin Statutes. Common Council .of the City of Kuskego on the x @ -day of The foregoing Order was passed and issued by the 5nyAd-L 1. 1977. A. CITY OF PIUSKEG0 May or I City Clerk SHORE " - LANE ' 1 / i \ \ \