CCR1977037RESOLUTION #37-7'7 ACCEPTANCE OF' UID F017 NEW 'TRUCK F'Oli PARKS AID RECREATlON DIII'AlIThIF~NT WHEREAS, the Parks and Recrcation Depn:rI.m!IIt h;~d advertised for bids for one new 1977 modc'l ,I:ruck with a two to three cubic yard dump body, ;lnd WHEREAS , monies for this eqtlipment had Ixen provided for in the 1977 Parks and Rc-crea(.j.on Capital Budget, and \VHERIXS, the Pol 1.owi11~; 1ji.d W;IS recuj vcd. Metro GMC Trucks, itlc. $10,220.00 and WHEREAS, upon review of the bid the Parks and Recreation Board has recommended that the bid received from Metro GhlC Trucks, Inc. be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Counc5.l of the City of Muskego, upon the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board, does hereby a.ccept the bid of Metro GMC Trucks, Inc. in the amount of $10,220.00. BE IT FUilTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clcrlc :\re hereby authorized to execute the necsssary tlocurnen.L in the name of the city. DATED TIII&& DAY OF , 1977. - ATTEST :