CCR1977036RESOLUTION #36-77 APPROVAL OF S.T.H. 24 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has been discussing with the State Highway Commission the reconstrl.lctiol1 Of S.T.H. 24 from the east city limits to College Avenue (0.7 miles) which would include the construction of an additional lane to provide 5 lanes of 11' each, channel- ize the center lane with thermoplastic pavement marking for left turn storage and the reconstruction of inter- section of Highway 24 and College Avenue to provide channelization, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the city to agree to the following in order for the Department of Transportation to implement the project 1. City of fMusltego will acquire the necessary right-of-way 2. The City of Muskego will provide matching funds in the amount of 10% of the project cost (approximately $10,000.00) jurisdiction to be responsible for a section of College Avenue which will. no longer be maintained as a county highway due to the relocation of intersection with Highway 24, 3. The City of Muskego will determine the and, WHEREAS the Public Works Committee has recommended approval of the project and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the necessary project agreement with the State Department of Transportation, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council. of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Mayor to execute Bighway 24 from the east city limits to College Avenue the project agreement for the partial reconstruction of with the State Department of Transportation. DATED THIS dA& DAY OF> o&AJ&++- , 1.977 ATTEST :