CCR19770350 e 8 RESOLUTION +35-77 APPROVAL OF RECONSTRUCTION OF A P'OliTION OF MARTIN DRLVL WHEREAS, on the 14th day of December, 1976, the Common Council adopted Resolution X242-76 au.Lhorizing j. t,s engineering firm to prepare the needed design for the reconstruction of Martin Drive in the area of the former ni.lte site, and WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin Department of Tr:~nsportation has advised the Public Works Committee that in order to proceed with the proposed federally aided Safer Off-System Project it will be necessary to request certain engineering services, and WHEREAS, the services would include the preparation of a design investigation report, environmental assessment and public hearing involvement, and WHEREAS, the city would be responsible for all costs which are not eligible for federal funding, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that the Common Council authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary agreement in the name of the city, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of hluskego does hereby authorize the hlayor to execute Transportation which would commit the city to pay the costs the necessary agreement with the Wisconsin Department of for engineering services not eligible for federal funding for the Martin Drive Project identified as Project #2985-0-00. DATED THIS DAY OF , 1977 ATTEST. City Clerk 2/77 je Edwin P. Dumlte i_