CCR1976232APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MUSKEGO AND MUSKEGO HIGH SCHOOL COOPERATIVE OFFICE OCCUPATIONS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has agreed to join with the Muskego High School Cooperative Office Occupations Program to provide employment for two seniors trained in clerical work, and WHEREAS, the public library and the Park and Recreation Department have each made use of such training, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish a salary for the positions, e THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby establish a salary of $2.30 per hour as the salary for the trainee provided by the Muskego High School through its Cooperative Office Occupations Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council approves of the agreement previously executed between the City and Muskego High School. DATED THIS \"t" DAY OF am, 1976. FINANCE COMMImE /- Paul J. Schaumberg Y& e&& Charles C. Colburn A'ITEST: h+d City C erk 12/76 MUSKEG0 HIGH SCHOOL COOPERATIVE OFFICE OCCUPATIONS AGREEMENT Name of firm: City of Muskego, Parks and Recreation Department Address of firm: Muskego. WI ,53150 Phone 679-2660 Name of student-trainee: Cynthia Ann Lefebvre W182 58200 Racine Avenue The employer agrees to cooperate with the school to offer a varied training program. He further agrees to pay the student-trainee a beginner's wage, furnish ratings of,the student's .on-the-job performance-, and confer with the coordinating teacher periodically to determine in whatlway the student's training, in school:: and on the job, might~bestrengthened.- The student-trainee agrees to perform to the best of his ability all duties assigned, make no request for change of employment, and conform to all rules and policies of his place of employment and the school. He expects no special privi- leges, agrees to be on the job every day, barring illness, and to confer with his coordinating teacher regarding any problems encountered on the job. e The parent or guardian agrees to cooperate with the school and employer to ensure the best possible results of the student's training. <# ' , . -.-/. ". 7. '3 . & u~y , , Approval of Parent yceuardian MUSKEGO HIGH SCHOOL COOPERATIVE OFFICE OCCUPATIONS PROGRAM COOPERATIVE TRAINING PLAN Student Cynthia Ann Lefebvre Grade 12 Age 17 Firm Name City Of Muskego Type of Business Municipal Government Address W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150 Parks and Recreation Department This training plan is to define the conditions and schedule .of training whereby the student, Cynthia Ann Lefebvre , is to receive training as a (an) secretary . It will also serve as a guide to al1,cooperating parties: .the student:,-the.school,the-employerT=andrthe -parents-.z~-.~- -- .. -~ The school-will provide the-studentfwith,opportunities for.training~in the basic ::: - skills.of the occupations and..the technical-.informationrelated to it--. -In order.-t-hat~ a -. systematic.plan can be followed which.wil1 provide.wel1-founded training for^ the--- position, a schedule of planned work experiences and the corresponding course of study paralleling these experiences have been worked out, agreed upon by the em- ployer and the school representative, and are listed on the reverse side of this page. e I The student agrees to perform diligently the work experiences assigned by the employer according to the same-company policies and regulations as apply to regu- lar employees. The student also~agrees to pursue.faithfully the.prescribed course of study and to take advantage of every opportunity to improve his efficiency, knowledge, and personal traits so that he may enter his .chosen occupation as a desirable employee at the termination of the-training period. The parent or guardian's signature indicates his consent for the student to work and to study an office education program. The employer recognizes that the Vocational Office Education program prepares students for careers in the office occupations. He, therefore, will see that close supervision and instruction is given in each of the planned work experiences outlined in the student's program in order to aid the student in reaching his (or her) chosen occupational objective. per hour The beginning wage will be $2.30 for 15 hours per week. Progress and advancement made by the student will be evaluated by the em- ployer each month . The school coordinator will cooperate with the traln~ng sponsor in an effort to plan classroom instruction in accordance with the 4. 'work'experience schedule. Training will cover the period from November 22, 1976 Tune 4, 1977 to k L ~~ ~~~ ~ Schedule of Planned Work Experience ~ Data varification--accuracy, com- pleteness, conformity Followup practices,' Typing Take-and transcribe.:dictation=of ~ . corresponden-ce :.~- Posting r - Filing empose routine correspondence Assemble information for reports Computing Maintain supplies Maintain~mailing lists Collect fees Invoicing Telephone communication 1 - R ! 0 " - :ecord If Work ', [ndividualized Course of Study Varification exercises Tickler system Special. typing~applications" SOP-shorthand and lranscrip-. :tion -:y; .. _.- . .- ~ ~ .... 7- ~ ~. ~ .. " - Lester: Hill~-simula~'on';and. .? spkcia~ appiicati&s ~. ~. SOP filing unit Word processing unit Organization practices SOP calculating machine unit Inventory., requisition, pui--- chasing practices Mail list practices Preparation of receipts and making of change Lester Hill simulation and special applications Telephone unit tecord of Studies At periodic intervals, the coordinator and the student should review the work experi- ence record actually achieved and enter a brief description of any variances from the planned work schedule. The coordinator should also evaluate the individual instruction given in re- lationship to actual work experience and note any suggestions for future instructional planning