CCR1976195RESOLUTION # /4&-7b
of Common Council Held October 12, 1976 Excerpts of Minutes of Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of
Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, was held in open session
on October 12, 1976 and called to order by His Honor, Mayor
Gottfried at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, City Hall.
The following Aldermen were present:
The following Aldermen were absent:
(Here occurred business not pertinent to the bond issue.)
It was moved by Alderman and seconded by
Alderman to adopt the following initial resolu-
tion which had been offered and read at this Council's regular
meeting held September 14, 1976.
Resolution No. 19y-76
INITIAL RESOLUTION Authorizing $400,000.00 bonds of
the City of Muskego:
RESOLVED that the City of Muskego, Waukesha County,
Wisconsin, borrow an amount not to exceed $400,000.00
by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for
the purpose of constructing police facilities in and
pal of and interest on said bonds, there is hereby
for the City. For the purpose of paying the princi-
direct, annual irrepealable tax sufficient for that
levied on all the taxable property in said City a
Upon roll call vote, the following voted aye:
and the following voted nay:
Mayor Gottfried and immediately recorded by Clerk Bowyer.
Whereupon, the initial resolution was declared adopted by
Alderman k e- to adopt the following resolution:
It was moved by Alderman ccn Sih-kl -n ec-* and seconded by
WHEREAS this Common Council has adopted an initial
resolution to authorize general obligation bond fi-
nancing in the amount of not to exceed $400,000.00;
WHEREAS the pertinent provisions of Chapter 67 of the
Wisconsin Statutes permit such initial resolution to
be submitted to the electorate for approval or re-
call a special election on the next succeeding regu-
lar municipal election, to-wit: on November 2, 1976,
for the purpose of submitting the question of,bonding
the City to the electors thereof, in the following
Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount
not in excess of $400,000 by issuing its
general obligation bonds for the purpose
of constructing police facilities in and
for the City?
with an opportunity for voters to vote either "For Bonds"
of "Against Bonds," and the City Clerk shall place such
question on the official voting machine ballot and on
the sample ballots applicable thereto;
FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is herewith in-
structed to publish a notice of said special election
at least twice, one week apart, in the Muskego
S&n,the official City newspaper, such publications to
b6at least accomplished in the issues of the newspaper
published in the weeks of October 18 and 25, 1976, in
substantially the following form:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a referendum will be held in
conjunction with the General Election on November 2, 1976,
upon the following question:
Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount
not in excess of $400,000 by issuing its
general obligation bonds for the purpose
of constructing police facilities in and
for 'the City?
"For Bonds" or "Against Bonds." A "For Bonds" vote shall in-
The answer to be given to such question shall be either
dicate the voter's approval of the borrowing of money by the
City in an amount not in excess of $400,000 for the purpose of
constructing police facilities and the voter's approval of such
purpose. An "Against Bonds" vote shall indicate the voter's
rejection of such borrowing and such purpose.
In the event a majority of the voters at referendum vote
struct police facilities and to finance such construction by
"For Bonds", the City of Muskego will be authorized to con-
issuing bonds in an amount not in excess of $400,000. In the
event a majority vote "Against Bonds," the City will not be so
The qualified e1ector.s of the City of Muskego shall vote
upon such question at the regular polling places of the several
precincts as follows:
Each of said polling places shall open at7.C- A.M. and close
at P.M. on said November 2, 1976.
Complete instructions for the information and guidance of
the voters and a voting machine facsimile ballot, showing a re-
duced diagram of the front of the voting machine, and for in-
structions to electors on how to vote on the machine, may be
found in the "Facsimile Ballot-Notice of General Election" ap-
pearing on this page of this newspaper.
Bette Bowyer, City Clerk
FURTHER RESOLVED that the regular election officials
within the City shall constitute the election officials
heretofore appointed for each of the polling places
for this special election and such officials shall
conduct, canvass and declare the results thereof in
accordance with their regular election duties and in-
structions under Chapter 7, Wis. Stats.;
FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall prepare
and have printed separate paper ballots so as to have
a sufficient number of such paper ballots available
in his office for absentee voting requirements, which
paper ballots shall be in substantially the following
form :
If you desire to vote for any question, make a cross (X)
or other mark in the square after the word "For Bonds" under-
neath such question; if you desire to vote against any question,
make a cross (X) or other mark in the square after the words
"Against Bonds" underneath such question.
Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount not
in excess of $400,000 by issuing its general ob-
police facilities in and for the City?
ligation bonds for the purpose of constructing
For Bonds ( ) Against Bonds ( )
(Revcrse Side of Ballot)
City of Muskego
Waukesha County, Wisconsin
Precinct Ward
November 2, 1976
Ballot Clerks
Absent Voter's Ballot issued by
City Clerk
We certify tha't the within ballot was marked by US for an
elector incapable under the law of marking his own ballot and as
directed by him.
of Election
I certify that the within ballot was marked by me at the request
of an absentee elector incapable under the law of marking his own ballot
and as directed by him. ..
Signature of officer authorized to administer oaths
. . -.
On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously.
(Hcre occurred business not pertinent to the bond issue.)
Mayor Gottfried declared the Council adjourned at4,'H P.M.
n City Clerk