CCR1976191RESOLUTION #191-76 A RESOLUTION RELATING TO FINAL DETERHINATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (NORTHEAST DISTRICT - L-12) 2 5th day of Ma 9 1976, adopted a Preliminary Resolution ment powers in relation to the construction of a sanitary sewer system in the following area: ~ll.e~isting and recOrded lots in Freedom Acres Subdivision, the un- platted parcel at the Southeast corner of Easy Street and Durham Drive, T~~ Key NO. 2204.997, all existing and recorded lots in Bay Lawn Subdivision with the exception df Lot 1, Block 1, Lots 17 and 18, - ded is that portion of the L.A. Ceille property, Tax Key NO. 2204.999 that lies on both sides of the following described easements. A 60.00 foot wide strip of land being located in a$l tiat part of the Southeast 1/C of Section 11, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Huskego, Waukesha Covnty, Wisconsin, the centerline of which is desc- WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of Muskego on the * -3-76 , expreising its intent to exercise its special assess- Block 3, Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, Block 4 and Lot 75, Block.6- Also inc1t.I- ribed as fOllOWS: Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Block. "D", rreedom ,Acres" a-recorded pl.at being located in .all that .part of the Southeast 1/4 of ~ Section 11, .Town 5 North, City of Muskego., Waukesha County,. Wisconsin; .thence South 382 32' East, 30.00 feet to The place of beginning of. the centerline to be described; thence along the arc of a curve, 107.93 feet, centet. of which lies to the Southeast, radius of'203.65 feet and I a chord.bearing North 66O 39' East, 106.68 feet to a point of cQmpound curve; thence along the arc of a curve, 89.38 feet; center of which lies to the South radius of 768.17 feet and a chord bearing North 850 10' Last, 89.33 feet; thence North 88O 30'East, 155.26 feet to a point of curve; thence along the arc of a curve 231.83 feet. center of which lies to the North, radius of 363.91 feet, and a chord bearing to a point of curve; thence +long the arc of a curve, 197.54 feet, ' +enter of which lies to the-Southeast, radius of 514.47 feet agc3 a chord bearing North 63O 00' EastYo196.33 feet; thence North 74 00' East, 50.00 feet; thence North 16 00' West, 168.00 feet to a point of curve; thence along the arc of a curve 160.11 feet, center of which lies to &he Southwest, radius of 300.77 feet, and a chord bearing Korth 31 15' Wgst, 158.23 feet; thence North 46O 30' \!est, 50.00 feet; 1 thence North 43 30"~%est-;"90.00 feet to- a point of curve; thence. elong , i the arc of a curve 59.8.3 feet center of'which lies to the Southeast ar,d a chord bearing North 9ti0'00' East , 59.82 feet; thence Korth I 52O 30' Last, 75 ft. to the center of a proposed 120 foot cul de sac'; ! thence liorth 48O 30' East , '60.00 feet to 'end of;:the above described cente.rline. I A 30.00 foot wide strip of land being located in all that part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 11, Town 5 florth, Range 20 East, City of Wugkego, Waukesha County, Fisconsin, the centerline of which is des- cribed as follows: Commencing at the East % corner of Section 11; thence Southerly along the East line of the Southeast of Section 11, 28.36 -feet to the place of beginning of said centerline; thence South 48O 30' West, 198.48 feet to the end.of said centerline. Together with a 10.00 foot wide temporary sanitary sewer construction easement lying on both sides, being parallel and adjacent to the above described permanent sanitary sever easement. - i ! i North 70° 15' East, 227.93 feet; thence North 52O 00' East, 55.T-m feet I I I ! I , I i I 1 I City Engineer containing certain plans and specifications for the construction of said Sewer system, and an estimate of the cost of the installation of said system; and WHEREAS, The ~OBUImI Council has tentatively adopted the report of the Page 2. WHEREAS, The Common Council, pursuant to notice properly given as .a required by Resolution numbered 103-76, and as appears from the records of the City Clerk, held a public hearing on the 11th day of October, 1976, concerning the matters contained in the Preliminary Resolution and the report of the City Engineer. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: (1) The said Report, including the statement as to the estimated cost of said improvement and the schedule of amounts assessed as to each parcel of said real estate, be and the same hereby is finally determined to be correct and is finally approved and adopted, and finally approved and adopted as heretofore modified. said statement of cost and schedule of assessments are hereby (2) The Plans and Specifications incorporated into said report are hereby finally determined to be correct and are hereby finally approved and adopted as heretofore modified. (3) The work contemplated in said Report shall be carried out in accordance with said report as finally approved and the payment of the portion of the cost therefore which will be paid by special A assessments shall be made as set forth in said report. DATED THIS f2 DAY OF o~,&?rb&?) , 1976. -A ATTEST : N bty Clerk -