CCR1976129RESOLmION #129-76 URGING THE STATE TO ERECT ADEQUATE TRAFFIC CONTROLS (S.T.H. 24 & Lannon Dr. - S.T.H. 24 & Tess Comers Dr.) WHEREAS, the city is becoming increasingly concerned over the potential for serious accidents at the intersections of Highway 24 and Lannon Drive and Highway 24 and Tess Comers Drive, and WHEREAS, the Common Council is of the opinion that a &way stop with flashing red signals would affectively protect the city's residents and would ease the problems encountered by vehicles wishing to either enter or cross S.T.H. 24, and WHEREAS, the Common Council is also of the opinion that the installation of the requested traffic controls would not seriously impair the movement of traffic on S.T.H. 24, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby urge the State Department of Transportation to authorize the installation of a multi-way stop at the intersections of S.T.H. 24 and Lannon Drive and S.T.H. 24 and Tess Comers Drive. I e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to Mr. T. R. Kinsey, District Engineer, State Department of Transportation, the Waukesha County Highway Commissioner, Mr. V. F. Demshar, State Senator James C. Devitt and State Repre- sentative James A. Rutkowski. /) DATED THIS 9 2 DAY OF 1976. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg 9qdf I PAW Marl4 E. Pienkos ATTEST: A? %24!- Rayfnond R. Wallner 61 76