CCR1976128RESOLUTION #128-76 "AS Amended" SETTING THE DATE FOR THE SPECIAL REFERENDUM WHEREAS this Council has adopted initial resolutions to authorize general obligation bond financing; and WHEREAS a sufficient petition for a referendum has been filed; and WHEREAS the pertinent provisions of Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes provide that such initial resolutions may be submitted to the electorate for approval or rejection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said initial resolutions referred to in the preamble hereof, be submitted to the electorate at a special referendum election to be held on July 20, 1976, and the City Clerk is herewith instructed to call such referendum by the publication of a notice of said referendum in the Muskego Sun the official City news- paper, such publications to be accomplished on July 8, 1976, and July 13, 1976, in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM 'TO: THE ELECTOR of the City of Muskego PLEASE 'TAKE NOTICE that a special rererendl~tn election will be held in the several wards in the Ci.ty of Eluskego on July 20, 1976 up'on the following questions: QUESTION 1 Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount not to exceed $745,000 by issuing its general obl.igation coupon bonds for the purpose of making street im- provements? @UESTION 2 Shall the City of bluskecjo borrow an amount not to e>:ceed $240,000 by issuing its general obliyation coupon bonds for the purpose of providing parks and public grounds? QUESTION 3 Shall the Ci.ty of hluckego boriow an amount not to exceed $385,000 by issuing its general obliqation coupon bonds for the purpose of constructing police facilities? QUESTION 4 Shall the City of Eluskego borrow an amount not to exceed $30,000 by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of making library im- provements? 1 EXPLAhATION The answer to be given to each such question shall be eitller "yes" or "NO." A "Yes" vote on any question shall indi- cate the voter's approval of the borrowing of money by the City in an amount not in excess of that set forth in such question for the purpose of making the public improvernent mentioned in that question and the voter's approval of such purpose. A "NO" vote shall indicate the voter's rejection of such borrowing and such purpose. In the event a majority of the voters at referendum vote "Yes" as to any such question, the City of Muskego will be authorized to make the public improvements mentj.oned in that question and to finance such improvements by issuing bonds. POLLING PLACES The Special Referendum will be held in the regular polling places for holding regular elections: Cis tric t a I I1 111 IV Polling Place __ " Polls Open From Tess Comers Fire House 7 A.M.. to a P.M. Tess Corners School 7 A.M. to a P.M. Muskego Elementary School 7 A.M. to a P.M. City Hall 7 A.M. to a P.M. V Mill Valley School 7 A.M. to a P.M. VI Muskego Intermediate School 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. VI1 Tess Colners Fire Sub-station 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. Complete instructions for the guidance of voters will be found in the "Facsimile Ballot Notice of Special Bond Refer- endum Election," BY OKDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL - -&- Bette Bowyer, City Clerk BE IT FURTIIEI< RESOLVED that the voting machine ballot and information to electors shall be printed in the newspaper carrying publication of notice, the same to be as close as possible to the specified notice; RE IT FURTI-1ER RKSOLVEU that the City Clerk shall ap- point the necessary election officials and shall pro- vide them with all necessary electj.on supplies; FURTHER RESOLVED that the absentee ballot shall be printed in the following form: 2 .- 7.. OFFICIAL REFERENDUM BALLOT If you desire to vote for any question, make a cross (x) or other mark in the square after the word "Yes," underneath such question; if you desire to vote against the question, make a cross (x) or other mark in the square after the word "NO," under- neath such question. Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount not to exceed $745,000 by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of making street im- provements? Yes 0 Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount not to exceed $240,000 by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of providing parks and public grounds? Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount not to exceed $385,000 by issuing its general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of constructing poli~ce facilities? Shall the City of Muskego borrow an amount not to exceed $30,000 by issuing it5 general obligation coupon bonds for the purpose of making library irn- provements? Yes L.1 (Reverse Side of Ballot) No OFFICIAL REFERENDUM BALLOT for The City of Muskego, Wisconsin Bxlot Clerks 3 - . -q Absent Voter's 13allot issued by I certify that the within ballot was marked by me at the request of an absentee elector incapable under the law of marking his own ballot and as directed by him. .~ Signature of officer authorized to administer oaths Title 13E IT FUR'THER FXSOLVED that the City Clerk shal.1 ob- tain two copies of the proof of publication of the "Notice of Special Bond Referendum" above provided for, from the publisher of the newspaper herein de- Si<Jnatcd for giving notice; and the Clerk shall 3.1.50 provj.de for pri.nting of sufficient ballohs allrove 1n-e- scribed so as to have sufficient of such bal.lots available to satisfy absentee-voter requirements. Sample ballots for voting machine~i shall also be prepared in sufficient quantity and be distributed, all as provided by Section 5.66(2), Wisconsin Statutes. ATTEST: FINANCE COMMITTEE Jerome J. Gotrfried Edwin P. Dumke Paul J. Schaunberg ~& Charles C. Colburn 4