CCR1976112RESOLUTION #112-76 ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID FOR NEW CARGO VAN FOR THE SEWER UTILITY WHEREAS, bids have been advertised for a new Cargo Van for the Sewer Utility, and WHEREAS, the following bids were received: Steffen- John $4,457.00 Badger Ford $4,499.00 and, WHqEAS, the Public Works Committee has recommended that the low b$d of Steffen-John ia.the amount of $4,457.00, be accepted, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby accept the bid of Steffen-John in the amount of $4,457.00 be accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authoriz- gd to Fxecute the necessary documents in the name of the city. DATED THIS Fa DAY OF kw , 1976. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaun-berg Ronald J. Ford Edwin P . Dumke . Ctty Clerk