CCR1976108RESOLUTION $1108-76
(Wayne & Marilyn Hansen)
WHEREAS, the City of Muskego has received a request from Wayne &
Marilyn Hansen to install a holding tank at W125 S9706 North Cape
Road, in the City of Muskego, and
WHEREAS, a permit from the State Board of Health is dependent upon
approval from the City of Muskego and the Waukesha County Board of
Health and further that a deposit of $1,000.00 has been made with
the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, and
WHEREAS, the Waukesha County Health Board has approved of the in-
stallation of said holding tank,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of
Nuskego does hereby approve of the installation of a holding tank
by Wayne & Marilyn Hansen on the property located at W125 59706
North Cape Road.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized
to execute the standard performance bond and holding tank agreement
in connection herewith.
City Clerk
AGREEMENT made this /"- day of ST (////- . 1976. by
"Owner"; and CITY OF NUSKEGO, a Municipal Corporatlon, hereinafter .;e termed "Ci tf'.
Whereas owner has title to //)/J.$- $ c?7Cd /dn4u' 7g.h /fluf&Lo .5-.</LTon the following described property:
h.jE' // ofT $&nb/v 25; 3uJkshp 5) fikJj?~ /?~&GL' 20 L-457 /A/
c.,~y b f /ho</ypgo, ~~u~~s~a &:c~~,~~ ~/~c.@~~/~
Now, therefore, In consideration of these mutual cove-
nants, .] t is agreed:. .
1. iOwner:will:.Insta31=~on bhel:.descr-ibe'd-~premisesra; ;1 l~n$-~se~age-hol~cling".ta~ktlofttie-type-and::in the:-manne+--;.T
approved by the State .Boa~rd-:of Health; <ha
2. >Owner wi 1-1; ! aur~og'4he-bsage.~gf sald~tank;:!~ropefly; :.;
i maintain-the samer,in accosd..;wi!t-h',tIalih~a~thi requ.t~einents;.k.;.
and:wil:l; thei:said .. it~nk~,~I...
3. -.Owner~.wil~.l;f~jthiih:~thIt~yi-~(~OJ~~~~ys~a~ter~pub,lic~ i? avai.Iab'le to theraescribeaap~emises;~~onne~~~a~ 1,rsan.i taryz!.,,.
fac5d:i ties on said 'premise2:to ther-sewer.:.system:-aad remove ,the,.
;, . . holding tank..and::al l-pip,ingitheteto From: hi:si.$premises;i
4. ':Owner. agrees-.,that:..he ki1~;l.i compl.y, a1 1 other: rules' T;
! -7 and ,regulationsjof the State->Board-of; Heall th&i th. respect. to ;
tanks and with the rules and regulations of the City of Muskego
pertaining thereto. TO guarantee performance thereof owner has
deposited with the City Treasurer a bond in t,he amount of One
Thousand (.$l,OOO.OO) Dollars cash pursuant to the terms of a per-
formance bond hereto annexed and made a part of this agreement.
5. City hereby guarantees the State Board of Health that
said holding tank will be adequately serviced during the period of its
' IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals.