CCR1976086RESOLUTION 1/86-76 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING ACTION ON RESOLUTION "CORPORATE PURPOSE BONDS" IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,400,000.00" //47-76, ENTITLED, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUING OF WHEREAS, on the 13th day of April, 1976, the Common Council by a vote of 6 to 1. adopted Resolution 1/47-76. entitled. amount of 35,400 , 000.00 Akthorizi the IssGing bf "Corporate Purpose Bonds" in fhe WHEREAS, the city has received a petition from a sufficient number of residents of the community requesting a referendum on the issuance of said bonds, and WHEREAS, the Finance Cormnittee has recommended that Resolution 1/47-76 be rescinded, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby rescind its action on April 13, 1976, which adopted Resolution #47-76, entitled, Authorizing the Issuing of "Corporate Purpose Bonds" in the amount of $1,400,000.00 DATED THIS 27 DAY OF ,A ml Q , 1976. FINANCE COMMITTEE ATTEST : +]/""../ City Clerk Paul J. Schaumberg -.