CCR1976060RESOLUTION 160-76
WHEREAS, the Common Council previously had created the position
of Weed Harvester Operator, and
WHEREAS, it was anticipated that the employee filling that
position would work for the Sewer Utility when the weed harvesting
was not being done, and
WHEREAS, the employee hired to fill that position was chosen
because of his background in water quality management and he has
worked for the Sewer Utility, and
WHEREAS, Mr. John Krahling has, after several training sessions
and a State examination, been certified a9 as a sewage treatment
plant operator, and
WHEREAS, the Sewer Committee is of the opinion that it is in the
best interest of the Sewer Utility to create the position of
Assistant Sewage Treatment Plant Operator who is capable of doing
the necessary testing, etc. in the absence of the sewer treatment
plant operator, and
WHEREAS, the Sewer Committee has recommended that the Common Council
create the position of Assistant Sewer Treatment Plant Operator
at a salary of,
Start $ 875.00 per mo.
6 Mths. 925.00 per mo.
18 Mths. 975.00 per mo.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of
Muskego does hereby create the position of Assistant Sewer Treatment
Plant Operator at the following salary:
Start $ 875.00 per mo.
6 Mths. 925.00 per mo.
18 Mths. 975.00 per mo.
BE IT WRTHER RESOLVED that the employee who will fill that position
shall start at the 6 month step.
DATED THIS (27 DAY OF p.?.I.Q , 1976. 70-
Edwin P. Dumke
Ronald J. Ford
Charles C. Colburn