CCR1975273RESOLU1'ION #273- 75 e RELEASING THE BALANCE OF MONEY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF KEISER LANE ec WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of October, 1974, the Common Council adopted Resolution #251-7G accepting Keiser Lane as a public rlght-of,-way, and WHEREAS, $500.00 was retained to assure final complet.ion to city standards, and WHEREAS, the Public Works Committee has recanmended that the $500.00 being held in escrow be returned to Plro Harold DeBack since the road is now completed satisfactorily, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, the Common Council of the City of Muskego does here,by release to Mr. Harold DeBack the $500.00 presently being held to assure completion of Keiser Lane to city standards. DATED THIS SaChgDAY OF hJ-0 yq 9 1975. e PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Paul J. Schaumberg A" Edwin P, Dumke Ronald J. Ford " ATTEST : v