CCR19752341 /I RESOLUTION #234-75 APWING AN AMENDMENT TO THIi SUBDIVISION AGReEMENT POR DURHAM MEADOWS 0 WHEW, the Clty of Yuskego has received a request from the developers of Durham &rdqwq Subdivision to amend the subdivision agreement adopted August 18, 1972, whereby there was placed a 65% limitation on the number of Iota which qou&q be developed, and WHEREAS, in Seftioa 8 of that agreement the owner acknowledges the WHBDBAS, the rgreeqnt further provides that the owner reserves the Novesber 18, 1973, end that the city re-affirms that it will diligently right to seek rpcsnrideration of this determinat-ion-at--~any time after investigate the p8ibilities of expanding the capacity of its sewage treatment facq1i r ie8 and take whatever actipn is necessary, within good plahniog cqc)ptr and economic feasibility, to provide adequate sewage treatment frcilitier, rnd *guideline. eatrbCiahed by Resolution #220-71, and WHEREAS, 8 rpcent rnrlytjis of the northeast treatment plant has indicated that gq io crpable of meeting the discharge effluent limita- tiong estrbl10heQ by the DNP and at no time has the weekly maximuq of BDD or ampended solids established by the DNR been sur- passed and that thp rverage sewage f1ow:into the northeast plant during the -nth of September was 271,900 gals. per day and for the year of 1974 wrl 3q4.000 g,als . per day, and WHGREAS, the Same Cmittee has estimated that maximum flow of sewage which would be gewrrtpd if the 65% limitaion were removed would be 20,000 gala, per diy, qnd WHEREAS, the Sews Cmittee is of the opinion that the balance of lots in the hrby Yrad~ws Subdivision could be built upon without adversely affect!n# the northeast treatment system and that the sub- division qgreewat &tween the developers of Durham Meadows and the city , should qe arended to permit the development of said lots, THERBPORE, BB IT WLVBD that the Common Council of the City of Muskego, upon the recpweadqtion of the Sewer Committee, does hereby amend the City of Nuekego by rtriking Section 8 of that agreement. subdivisiop agFee#pt between the developers of Durham Meadows and the EE IT PURTHBR &VED that the City Attorney is directed to take the necessary step. to 8neOd sa - .. DATED THIS F-QAV (DP , 1975. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE Charles C. Colburn