CCR1975212RESOLUTION #212-75
(As Amended)
(Guernsey irleadows)
I V!kERE.LS, the final plat for Guernsey Meadows has been approved
3; t:l? Plan Commission with a recommendation for approval by I* the Common Council, and -
h'tiERiAS, the final plat conforms with the approved preliminary
plat and the conditions of approval of the preliminary plat, and
IVt!!E3ICAS, the road grades and profiles and storm drainage plans
have been approved by the consluting engineers and the Public
ii%rks Committee , and
. ,1'- ... LREAS, engineering plans for sewer and water have been approved
~y tii: city's consulting engineers,
THGEF'3ilE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council, upon the
recommendation of the Plan Commission, does hereby approved of
The rinal plat of the Guernsey Meadows Subdivision. -.
0 .iE *T FURTHER RESOLVED that this approval is subject to the
,:ondition that landscaping plans and planting schedule of the
;lfa?.r.2d unit development for open space and centers for cul de
5hcs >e submitted to the Plan Commission for approval.
.. . , :. -1 FURTHER R.:SOLVEO that this approval is conditioned upon and
s::dii be affec.ted only upon receipt of secured assurances that >:;le
7x1 flaw requirements determined to be necessary to satisfactorily
.,erve rhe subdivision be available for a period of two years from
::::e rime the system is put into operation.
35 17' FURTHER R.ESOLVED that all corners within the subdivision show
'.'>s~on corners on the final plat.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the final plot of Guernsey Meadows shall
shm-rhe- presently designated 10' easement as an Outldt..
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