CCR1975211RESOLUTION #211-75 URGING DEFFAT OF THE GOVERNOR'S TRANSPORTATION BILL WHEREAS, the Governor's Transportation Program has been submitted to the fall session, and WHEREAS, one of the major changes in the proposed bill is the distribution of state aids to local units of government for highway purposes, and @ Assembly under Bill $1930 and will be considered by that body during the WHEREAS, the bill provides that counties may create a County Transportation Commission whose responsibility would be to recommend to its county board the sums of money which should be distributed from available state aids to local units of government where work is needed, and WHEREAS, under the proposal the City of Muskego, along with most. municipal- ities, would after the third year lose up to 50% of the highway aids now being received, and WHEREAS, if counties choose not to create the C.T.C. they would be held harmless at the 1975-76 level, and WHEREAS, it is further provided that in counties such as Waukesha County the C.T.C. shall consist of the chairman of the county board or his designate who shall serve as its chairman, three county board supervisors and three municipality representatives coming from the three largest cornunities which would leave most communities, including Muskego, without representation, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego uses the road aids presently received for maintenance as well as major reconstruction and the loss of that aid could result in an increased burden on the city's taxpayer, and WHEREAS, the City of Muskego is inalterably opposed to.another unit of government determining the city's road improvement needs, and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Muskego wishes to go on record as recognizing the need for a reorganization of the State's Transportation Program but not at the expense of local decision making, and WHEREAS, the Common Council urges the State Legislature to delay action qn the bill until its affect on the property taxpayer as well as the State's home rule philosophy can be fully evaluated. @ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cmon Council of- the City of Muskego does hereby urge the Governor of the State of Wisconsin, as well as the State Legislature, to recognize the need for local determination of its road needs and the burden which could fall on local property owners if the present distribution formula were abandoned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cmon Council does hereby prevail upon tbf: State Legislature to defer action on the Governor's Transportation Program until its full impact can be evaluated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Governor's office. State ReDresentative James Rutkowski and Senator James Devitt. a DATED THIS && DAY OF , 1975. v ATTEST : LCity Clerk .